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Tuesday, October 31, 2006

When I was young, but, I'm not a kid anymore.
I had an e-zine called "Made in Canada"
When I was doing a web search I came across an old review on Broken Pencil for my favorite University Passtime. The website is gone now, but, the memory lives on!

Xandra has disappeared.
Tyler is a proud parent and DJ in Calgary
Mathy is a personal trainer in Moncton
and I'm a celeb-in-wait in Toronto.

Made in Canada

e-zine, Nicola, Xandra, Tyler, Mathy, Fancy,

Presented verbatim from the About Us page: "Made in Canada is an e-zine with a difference. We are 4 university students with different goals in life but with a shared interest in reporting a 'Real World' approach to the minds of young Canadians. We aren't serious, we aren't joking, we are that place in between. That place where if you forget to be Politically correct people don't mind and they go on. Where, come to think of it, if you say P.C. then people will ask you to clarify.... 'do you mean Politically Correct or Presidents Choice'? That place where everyone is equal and free to express their view on any issue without persecution or violations against the person. It is a real place, and we like it." Enough said. (DW)

reviewed in BP 9

This is Rollie.
Rollie was mistreated and abused by his former family. He now resides with my co-worker Jim and is weeks away from being the happiest little puppy this side of Kibbletown.

No, Kibbletown isn't a real place, it just sounded like a cute puppy utopia.

He's a charming Jack Russel Terrier who has a gorgeous face and apparently a temperment to match. I hear that his favorite activities include cuddling up with his master in a warm bed, and spooning?

If you want to give Rollie a happy new home, then please do connect with Jim via me @

He's a doggie that wants to be happy, and you have all the love to give him.
Just a click away.
Do it.

Yesterday, while researching a fun night out for my friend, Erol. I came across the National Post's

The worthy 30: Toronto's most eligible bachelors

Being female, single and blessed with a wandering eye, I couldn't resist checking out a perennial top list of the Tdots most eligible hotties.

I do make it my business to know, just in case they come to a fundraising event, of course.

Regardless, I decided to create my own little list of the female hotties that are sweet, saucy and so adorable. The list has varying degrees of wealth, others more cash than others and some more chutzpah than others. But, in the end, they are all hotties who can think on their toes and make a party an event.

In no particular order, I present to you the Karma's Babe-List 2006! A small homage to my bestest friends.

Let's start with...

Sassy and carefree, this free spirited Scorpian lass was
recently outted as "Single" on CityTV's coverage of Lavalife's Click at a Flick.

She takes more showers than anyone else I know, goes mad for drum n bass, and even
though she refuses to eat meat I still think she's kind of normal. Regardless of her penchant for wearing cake on her face instead of eating it. Licking it off WAS NOT an option.

Rich or Hot: Hot
Perfect date: One that doesn't include geeks.

One of the newest crew members to my circle of girls. Sarah has soulful eyes and a heart of gold.
This former model currently is a talented make up artist efficinado and artist by nature. She can mix a wicked drink due to years as a bartender in a busy downtown
She keeps all of her item
s in tidy little bundles in her room in an organizational masterpiece that marvels the best of us.
Sarah's adored by all who meet her and her overwhelming capacity to love all of God's creatures great and small means she can see the good in someone, ev
en if no one else can.

Rich or Hot: Sarah loves those who love her back. So I'll say "RICH, HOT, AND FUNNY!"

Perfect Date: Eating dinner with a gent who reveals that not only is he rich, hot and funny, he also has an obsession with kippers and balsamic vinegar.

With a flair for the nicknames and an ever present empathetic nature means her heart will not rest
until she has spread a ray of sunshine into everyone's lives.

Don't let the sweet exterior fool you! Wildly loyal she will fight for her friends and family until the end. And, the inner wild child allows her to drink more alcohol than is sane.

Though she's happily committed, I couldn't put a list together of babes and not have Fiona on it. She's a total hottie.

Also known as the "Queen Bitch" Tara is the perfect mix of party, friend and responsible adult.
An aspiring fashion designer this Pisces always looks like a million bucks. One of the few people that I know that will never take a bad photo, ever.
Though, not, b
orn in Toronto, Tara exudes a sophistication that is rarely found in most Torontonians.

RICH or HOT?: I don't know... I can't get ahold of Tara. I'll say BOTH why settle?

Perfect Date: According to, Tara's perfect date would include...
Pisceans are interested in everything that isn't quite real: illusion and disillusionment, fantasy, drama, emotion, art, and spirituality. So any date that involves the arts, from painting together to attending the theater, will make your Pisces smile. Romance will be appreciated by this Sign, so try a beach picnic with wine and cheese or high-tea in a garden. Whatever you do, put a little magic into your date - creating the right mood will romance your Piscean more than any money you spend.

I am the original double dip when it comes to being a geekazoid! Regardless of my mastery of all domestic arts (minus cleaning), I am happier to get others to do things for me than to do it myself.

A patron of the arts I'm disinterested in meeting men who can't handle my blog, or have more money then sense. Blessed with an extensive vocabulary I have also been cursed with terrible spelling and grammar, not to mention a need to pen my thoughts.

HOT or RICH: I'll settle for Employed and Mildly attractive.
Perfect Date: Eating, sitting on a beach at midnite with a chocolate shake and chips or a trip to the UK for fish and chips.
Or Paris for pastries!

Soon to come!

So it's official, I'm writing my first published column for my home province's A&E newspaper, The Buzz

Am I thrilled? Of course!
Am I nervous? Yes! Terribly, for the first time ever, I'm going to have to write properly. First time ever since University and my brief stint as a sex columnist & reviewer. Such a weird combo.

The article will be a small little piece that will focus on my experiences in the giant metropolis of Toronto and the arts and cultural events that I will attend therein.

First bit will appear in the December issue.

How exciting!
To you it might be the Buzz, but, for Islanders, it is the monthly must have!
And, now I'm contributing to it :)

Yay, me!

Monday, October 30, 2006

Such a great movie.
I'm typing up guidelines for my workstudy student that's coming in on Wednesday with this movie about existentialism is playing in the background.

And, there's this point where one of the characters in the movie falls in love and this giant smile spreads across my face and it all comes together and I realize that I'm watching one really great film.

Nothing else to say.

Watch I ♥ Huckabees, it's great.

Imagine my surprise when I see two men on a window washers ledge staring at me staring at them.
In my underwear.
I was dancing along to Justin Timberlake's latest album and eating a bowl of ice cream. When I heard a loud thud against my dining room window. I turn to explore and there they are staring back at me with a strange smile on their faces.

Thank goodness for the cutest full backs since the reintroduction of shorties for girls!

I think condo management is getting irate with my antics. I don't remember ever getting the notice that the window washers were going to be learing through my windows today.


Can anything normal just happen to me once?

How awesome was it when you were a kid and you surrupticiously acquired something declared verbotum by the parentals. The secrecy of a clandestine stash was to be savoured and enjoyed with the highest level of security, in the closet with an ear tuned to footsteps on the stairs was my particular favorite way.

Well, you can regain the thrill of that rush yet again! No joke!! It's the hottest way to hype a new movie, or concert. Simply make it controversial enough for policitians, and lobby groups to puff their stuffy chest and wag their fingers in wide eyed disapproval... and, well people will clammer to check it out.


Do I need to support my claim?
Ugh, fine.
Passion of the Christ.
Who cared?
The Jews cared and cited the production as being anti-semetic and vowed to boycott the film.
Boycott the film?! Not before the hugely Christian population of the world gets to hold audience to Mel Gibson's excessively long passion play.
The result?
Mega millions in the bank.

Now of course this doesn't always work. To a certain point the public is becoming desensitize to graphic, whatever. The recent release of Shotbus apparently has a hard core sex scene in it and religious groups aren't coming out to picket. Somethings are inevitable... at some point, people are going to have sex on camera. If Paris Hilton does it, it's got to be mainstream and if it's mainstream then God can't have a problem with it.

That's hot.
So hot.

But, please my intrepid Karmacake reader, I promised you clandestine gratification and I will deliver it to you!! So what is making controversial headlines?
Take one film, insert gross political statements conflicting with the current establishment and release.
Controversy will abound and you can indulge.
We can all be happy.

The average film studio sites that they will denude their films of pollitical leanings in order to avoid alienating large portions of their audience. However, I feel that films have such an impact on society, that audiences go to acquire some experience. If film makers devein their films of any though provoking content then how do they expect to nurture a thinking audience? No, film studios are in the business of making le big bucks, therefore, they don't really have a social conscious, they just want to make movies and make money.

Well, let's face it. Audiences are bored. Bored with the same ol' neutered crop of romantic comedies and played out remakes.

The hot shit is in any film that has any pollitical leanings, preferably anything that nays President G-Double-ya.

Insert Dixie Chick's documentary "Shut up and Sing" ads removed from major US networks.
Insert fictitious documentary "Death of a President", chronically the assination of G Double-ya, removed all together from major movie houses.
And, of course, insert Borat's darling film "Borat: Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan", good luck checking it out in Kazakhstan! The president there doesn't think Borat can show them anything to make more benefit of Kazakhstan... except of course putting it on the map.

I'm just saying, I didn't even know it was a real country until the president issued a ban.

So there you have it.
A list of the movies I'm going to go and see.

Wanna be my date?
Dates are good because they'll buy the tickets.

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Yesterday was an interesting day.
The night before was Jax's bday house party, which rocked the casba!

The next morning, I woke up, ate and met up with Bohdan Turok to do a test shoot. We all know how much I love the camera, and it's nice to do some shots that encourage me to try and emote beyond simply happy & cute.

Although, I didn't acheive the grittiness that I wanted, there's a quiet sophistication and elegance that I really am proud of in the photos.

I tried to use my hands as much as I could.

These photos are really eye opening for me. Regardless of whether a woman is perceived as being hard working, there's still a lot of apprehension.

Am I going down the right path? Should I have a career or get married and have children? Do men find me attractive? Am I looking old?

You can't really tell, but, my hair was a wreck that day. I wanted to leave it because I wanted to see what it would look like in photos. Definitly made the haggared old witch look fashionable.

Here's another shot of me hiding. I don't like my face in photos, I love being in front of the camera, but, simply don't ask me if I think I'm pretty. The answer will always be no.

Do I feel less of a person because of it, not at all. I accepted that at a young age. But, if people respond to my look, then more power to you.

Now here are my two favorite photos...

Here's a shot of me just before I got the phone call from a friend telling me that my ex's going away party was that night. At least point I was feeling charming and actually, dare I say it, beautiful.

The call informed me that my ex's leaving for Africa and was being sent off by the people he loves.

Here's the shot of me after that call.
Broken, because I am not one of those people.

The girl discarded by the idol, she laments at lost salvation. Closed eyes with upturned hands she will dismiss quick emancipation

Tired of the same old tried costumes?
Witches, Scarcrows, Slutty Cops, Nurses and School Girl, be hanged!
Let's hook it up with Mark Foley, Patricia Dunn, Borat or, if facts aren't you thing, try everyone's favorite uninformed cognoscenti, Stephen Colbert.

I suggest you rock on over to and check out their truly frightening crew of Halloween masks of the frightening, oppressing, depressing and just plain ol' disturbing.

I suggest you might want to stay away from the White House when trying these masks.

They mistake you for the real thing.

Have an ookstacular Halloween, Kids!

Friday, October 27, 2006

CityTV does so much to bring breaking news stories to the people of Toronto. Nothing was so important than the exclusive scoop they received on A NEW WAY TO DATE! KC opened the report with lines such as "I'm not a bar scene kind of girl" and "I'm a huge geek"

Mike, regardless of the mileage I'm getting out of the humour of this. You owe me one.

Hmmm... Pam Seagle, ask me more questions about being single in the city.

I smell Gemini!

Look how thin my hips look. You should get nominated if only based on my apparent on camera fabulousness.

There are some perks to being on camera talent. One of which is the craft food service table.

Unfortunatly, budget restraints on this shoot provided Jax & I with a bag of stale popcorn & a large cup of air WITH straw.

Notice, I'm not sipping, because AGAIN, the caterers only had regular air and I ONLY drink diet.

I'm an artist people!! AN ARTIST!

Pam Seagle's first experimental film, "P.S. Beyond the Box"

Yeah, it might look like we were alone, but the camera man was always on hand to give us plenty of direction. I think he got the cold that's going around, because he was breathing really heavy which made getting direction really hard. But, we were patient to help him realize his artistic vision. He was really loving, wanting Jax and I to hug lots. He even bought us a present, he said he had a banana in his pocket for both of us and he said we could get it later. We forgot of course, mind like a siv!! After all we were put through that day, we didn't mind calling him "Daddy." And, you know, I think he liked it too.

Now it's Jax's turn to be a geekazoid. Stellar sound bite, "It's great. Great. I can't wait", she really does tackle life with that verve and passion! She's currently employed as "Single", but, she's a take the bull by the horns kind of gal!

I was shocked to discover that Jax knew exactly where the outlet was in the public washroom so she could straighten her hair pre-shoot.
How much time do you spend in the Paramount?

Well, that's it for our behind the scene's look at Jax and I's big CITYTV DEBUT. I hope you enjoyed our little trip down memory lane, and you'll join us next time for some more hijinks and hilarity as we conquer Toronto.

One local news station at a time.

Sport a t-shirt on your favorite revolutionary... Nick Le-Che.


Very Clever.

Finally, a way for 14 year olds to know who the heck it is they're wearing on their t-shirt. That other guy, you know, the Cuban was cool n' all. But, Nick Lache man... NICK LACHE!! He survived being married to Jessica Simpson! He's a real hero.

What Would Kanye do?

Bang some white chicks.

Run his mouth off on poor leadership next to Mike Myers on tv.

Make out with his reflection after a great performance.

Count his money and plot to be King of the World.

Hey, we're only speaking the truth here.

This guy is smiling because he's got the power of Wizardry commanding his Fantasy League.

I have nothing to say except for this shirt really is awesome.

Fantasy Football.

With Wizards! SHAZAM!

I'm a nerd. *sigh* I'm a giant nerdoid.

It doesn't bother me that Perez Hilton has an obsession with Paris Hilton, I still dig him.
Because of photos with scibbled in comments like this:

K-Fed (aka - K-Fag, That Dude Married to Britney, Mrs. Spears, Doofus) at some event posing in that lame ass poseur-esque kind of way.
Listen, you're white, affluent, you're chumming off of your rich wife, you put out a rap album and now you want everyone to think you're gangsta. You need to something street like go to jail or eat your cereal with pop or, heck, let's try something different... just admit you're white, stop this ridiculous game and put out a soft rock album about love, your kids and pot roasts.

Sounds good to me.

You've got one lame pose, one lame album, and you're gross.
K-Fed, you like mayonnaise sandwiches don't you?

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Michael J. Fox lends his celebrity with credence.
I'm hard pressed to find fault in Michael J. Fox's Missouri based ad campaign urging voters to support a bill that will continue to allow stem cell research.

He is a man with a disease and stem cell research is important not only to him, but, to the thousands of individuals suffering from degenerative diseases, and spinal chord injuries like Christopher Reeves.

The moral debate on stem cell research is on going. However, I get very disappointed when I see people who cannot relate to the pain and suffering of an individual trying to fight a battle of his life and not only are all the odds stacked against him, but, also the man who played Jesus in the Passion of the Christ

You heard me.
A legion of sports stars, actors and politicians are engaging in an aggressive backlash against Fox's tv appearance. Rush Limbaugh callously stated that "Fox was either off medication or acting"

I want to know, what right do these individuals have to prevent life saving research from taking place? They, who live their lives free of "on" and "off" spells unique to Parkinson's, and those who can do daily tasks with little difficulty.

Those suffering from Parkinson's have the most to benefit from Stem Cell Research. Don't try to hide your malicious intents behind veils of other claims. Because one day, your actions might not just effect Michael J. Fox, but, folks like you.

By then, it will be too late.

You can click in and watch the clip of me on CityTV Here

I look cute.

And, I don't sound like a dork... Unlike Jax! Apparently, she can't wait! Can't wait for what? Click at a Flick? She's waited her whole life to meet that special someone at an event like this. Finally, Jax's dream has come true.

Want to find out how you can go and meet hot singles like Jax and Myself? Click Here Hey, what's better than drinking at a movie? It's my favorite activity! Really, if you're looking to avoid the party because it's a "single's night" then you're really cutting yourself off. Everyone there feels the same way, go in and think of it as an added benefit to a ticket to a movie. Socialize, network and have a good time. Jax and I did.

Go check out Lavalife's Click at a Flick, and for the price of a movie ticket, enjoy two free drinks at a pre movie reception and an after party at one of the city's hottest clubs.

Honestly, the scene last night had hotter than to be expected folks.


My friend calls and asks if I'll help him out. "All you have to do is go to the Paramount and do an interview on being single in the city. Please? It would really get me out of a bind!"
"Sure, I'll do it. But, you owe me one!" Says I.

I make my way down to the Paramount where Lori, Lavalife's PR representative is waiting for me. She's hip, young, well spoken and obviously very good at her job. After giving me a short run down on the events about to take place I get on camera.

All right Mr. DeMille I'm ready for my close up.

A few shots later I'm out, but, not before I'm informed of more PR stuff later that evening... after I work, I get to head back down to the Paramount for photos before the movie, then after the movie I'm to meet up with some more folks at Lot332.

When can I sleep?

Lots of drinks to dull the pain, lots of new friends to keep me entertained (One construction worker, 2 British Lads, Jax, Chris, Mir, Jax's brother who I molested, Sarah, who else?)

At midnight, I make my exit, I am exhausted and disappointed. Sometimes trying to do everything means that you miss out on the things that are really important. My sister had just moved into her new house and I wasn't there to celebrate it. Helping a friend out of a bind meant that I sacrificed seeing her beautiful new house.

So the night was a little bitter sweet. Too much lavalife for me!
Am I still on it?
Did I say that to please the cameras?

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Look what sat for me in my inbox:

"Over priced draught + headache = super sucky night out!

LOL... you're killin me. He swindled you into chekin out his gig huh? What the hell is wrong people nowadays... honestly!

I dont know how that feels "cute, but, thats it" cuteness is only the begining of me baby!

So when are we going to chill over a pint?! (As I plot to start a Motley Crue infused band which will only perform where draught is overpriced) "

Oh Mir, you are a diamond in the rough and such an awesome guy!
But, I didn't get to the show, just found out recently I'm just a chick invited to check the show out. We should go, want to be my date?


I don't know, but, he added me to his friend's list on myspace.
Like I often do with folks I don't know I ask if I'm "... a means to an end." To which he responds as no, and if I wanted to chill over a pint.

At this point, I've yet to check out his myspace and I'm feeling pretty flattered that a seemingly normal dude on myspace is chatting with me. Oh, but, the burn has yet to come, My Friends, the burn has yet to come.

Suddenly, the messages stop.
I log into his myspace and I discover he's a musician. Interesting. Let's listen to his music to see what it's all about.
Ahhh, the quintessential angst ridden facht favoured by torchered artists, balanced out by Oasis fueled rockity pop distortion. It's okay, nothing special. But, apparently the UK loved his first track "So Unclear", hey, maybe so will I.
Hitting the net I attempt to find it. Considering it his most recognizable track, it's absent on his myspace, which is suspect.

Then it clicks.

I WAS a means to an end.
I ask him.
He confirms it.
"... just putting the word out about the show. saw your were friends with a few of my pals so it should be a fun night."

First of all, you need to mention your show. Second of all, don't invite a girl out for a pint if you just want bums in seats. Because, the girl's obviously going to blog about it!

At the end of the day, and I'm being honest here, the guy is kind of cute. But, he's going to need to offer me a little more than a headache and a cash bar to get me to come out to his show.

Best part is, I didn't even know who he was, that he had a show, or anything until he wrote me back.

Oh, hilarious. Will be laughing about this one for a while.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Here's a much better photo of me and my dress at Operanation. Aren't we a handsome bunch?

Opernation Committee members Jason Wong, Luke McCann, Marie Nicola, Greg Sullivan, and President of the Board of Directors of the COC, Rob Collins at COC fundraiser, Operanation on Friday October 13, 2006.

My mother asked me if I was popular because my dress was falling off.
The dress wasn't falling off, Mom.

Look I'm not a real zombie, and not so dedicated to the culture that I felt compelled to brave the miserable spitting rain to walk the streets of Toronto dressed as a zombie.

a slutty zombie.

But, none-the-less a zombie.

It would've been different if it was a sunny day, warm and pretty.
This zombie loves sunshine and favours candy over brains.

kc out

I went to a party the other night. My neighbours, who I never met before, invited me to their housewarming party. It's obvious they didn't know me at all because the invited me to their party!!

But, while I was there, I didn't have my make up on, so I had to make up in other ways. Like trying to be funny, which, believe it or not, sometimes I'm really good at. I also showed up with cheesy biscuits... which for some reason I thought it would be a riot to tell people that I brought cheesy biscuits over because I'm Palestinian and the 21st of October is an important Palestinian holiday, rarely celebrated in North America.

Why did I do this? No reason except for I'm a dork.
So apparently, I said the holiday was roughly translated into English as "Housewarming Day" and on this day, we celebrate the mass establishment of Palestinian refugee camps. So every year Palestinians make cheesy biscuits, with bacon or ham, to ensure that it's the one thing that the Jews can't take away from us.
And, we sit in tents and eat them.

It's not a sad day, it's a happy holiday!

My Jewish friends are going to stop speaking to me now.

Monday, October 23, 2006

Oh wow... what an experience Toronto Fashion week was. Nestled in the cozy warehouse like atmosphere of Musik, the party looked great. Honestly.

It was akin to getting to the other side of my TV and living Zoolander. I felt like the music, spun by DJ's in every known corner of the building, was announcing the entrance of Hansel - He's so hot right now, Hansel. If you didn't catch that reference I highly recommend you rent Zoolander.

People were so fashionable, they were of the moment, I'm sure some changed their outfits 2 or 3 times in the course of an evening. Images of the faces of L'Oreal were inflated so large, the loomed over the crowd as esthetically perfect guardians of fashion. They could've well been painted on velvet, because their eyes followed you everywhere. I mean everywhere, I could feel their judging glances assess my dress' value at a cool $85.

All I could think was "at least I'm not wearing a $300 fanny pack. I don't care if it has Gucci written all over it. It's an accessory reserved for the elderly, the infirm and boyfriends of porn stars to stash the lube." <-- See Seymour Butts.

Of course, at an event like this there are things you expect. People to blatantly look you up and down, a desperate scarcity of nibblies and noshables and finally an over abundance of wine. The wine that helped me through the evening cope with anorexic models and my lofty size 4 figure. I drank to cope with my fatness. ;)

Conveniently enough, the wine came in bags like Capri Sun. So innovative, you can hook these little beauties up to a dromidary pack and go racing. Dragon Boat races, I finally found a way to make you more entertaining!

What was particularly interesting about the wine tasting, there were 20 exhibitors all with wines that were drinkable like grape juice and all clocked in for less than $15 at the LCBO. I guess after all that splurging on overpriced pants and jackets doesn't leave much for the wine budget. This is how the Toronto fashionista's do it, they are fabulous on a budget. They prioritize their finery starting with clothes and substituting the wine for cocaine.

"She think's it's funny when her nose gose bloody because the blow's so yummy and it keeps her tummy empty and makes her act more friendly." - Mickey Avalon, not singing about Canadian fashionistas.
Talking about empty tummy's, try and find food at Fashion Week, go on I DARE YOU! My friends and I divided and tried to conquer and all we came up with was this:

The Lettuce Eatery.
Delicious meager servings of LETTUCE to fill your ever shrinking belly. How is it that Fashion Week planners know how to make everyone feel like they're fat without ever saying it outright?

Shall I get started on the models? Sisi from CNTM was there working the runway, and I adore her! She should've won, she was stellar on the runway!

The two shows I caught were Juma and David Dixon's Reunion. A show assembled in memory of his recently departed mother.
The models were so thin I thought with each purposely placed stomp I thought their bones were going to snap from the strain. I've seen ballerina's up close, and those bitches ain't got nothing on the deminuative stature of these walking clothe hangers.

There isn't much calcium in iceberg lettuce and carrot shavings.

Needless to say, after all the lack of food and gaunt models, my
friends and I ran to the Hot House for pasta pasta pasta. We ate for our bellies, and those for the starving children of fashion. I felt like Sally Struthers binge eating on twinkies, between commercial takes, in her secret warehouse of food in Ethiopia.

It felt so good, until I wanted to roll into a cab, drowsy and full on wine and gnocchi. Best night ever, and I did look fabulous.

Operanation was a resounding success!
905 people
1 brand new opera house
5 designer food & drink stands
1 DJ
tons of media, fans spray on tattoos
and, me!

The evening opened with all committee members hitting the Four Season's Centre for Performing Arts nice and early to get debriefed, unwind and prepare for a stellar night of uncomperable arts and entertainment.

Dressed in our finest cocktail attire, and I in my silk crepe, leopard print, vintage inspired number (Thank you A.B.S. by Allen Schwartz ) we were ready to meet, greet and be the friendly faces of Opera in the young professionals sect.

The silent auction was amazing, besides a bizarre addition of an empty Culture Club record sleeve by Gian Gomeshi, there was a party for 140 at Revival, Feenie Beadies was on site finishing a lavish necklace, complete boxed sets of DVDs from Alliance Atlantis, and more.

Of course, if you purchased a $200 VIP ticket, you were treated to a backstage tour, a champagne reception, a live auction featuring a wardrobe from Hugo Boss, Land Rover experience tours in Montebello and luxurious vacations, not to mention the wonderful gift bags complete with Hugo Boss cologne, decadent chocolates, magazines, a book about the history of Opera and a darling broach from Foxy Jewerelly (Suzy from Foxy Jewerelly is posing with me just above).

Live performances dotted Toronto's newest archetectural gem, while party goers sipped on expertly prepared cocktails and dined on haute cuisine soul food (The Miniature Tourtières were my favorite, next to the crab stuffed cucumber squares and fried asparagus) all the while revelling in the exclusivity of this very chic metropolitan fundraiser.

An event planned for the youth, by the youth, it was an event to raise funds, raise friends and raise awareness. The opera is more than performances on stage. The Canadian Opera Company is renowned for nurturing new artists through their ensemble programme, educating children with their numerous education and outreach programmes, developping new and innovative interpretations of operas featuring compelling Canadian artists like Atom Egoyan, and touring the world to leverage the Opera Company and Canada as a producer of exceptional artistic creations.

The Opera is more than fat ladies on stage. It's arts, education, professional development, cultural excellence and one of the few art forms with an invested interest in compelling younger audiences. Hence, Operanation.
Hence, the reason we sold out this year.
Hence, tickets being sought after on craigslist.
And, why you should think about buying your ticket for next year.

Saturday, October 21, 2006

"The Wrath of Squash at High Noon."

It returns for another successful year!!
Punkinapalooza, the annual invite-only backyard jack-o-lantern carving party planned by the creative minds of Chateau Nice.
Last year, I went with my friend Natalie to assert our dominance over the competition with out EXTREME punkin. Here we are in pre-carving attire posing for a photo that would've inevitably have been edited into our victory reel. Shown just before our award acceptance, we were prepared to humbly accept the award for best design with a heartfelt speech designed to give a shout out to the younger generation of artisanal squash sculptors.

Never give up on your dreams.

Due to pollitical reasons, we did not walk away with the title. We recognize the merits of the winning punkin and we hope that they enjoyed their reign this past year. However, KC is coming back and coming back with a vengeance. This year's sculpture will far exceed the 5 foot flames that nearly burned down Chateau's front porch.

Although, we were recognized, as you can see by the image, as the winner of the most Flammable catagory, it pales in comparison to being the Grand Gourd.

Carved with care and distinction, KC & Nat's punkin was a perfect melange of art, function, festivities, creativity and originality. It was the holiday, fireworks and celebration all in one gorgeously groomed gourd.

The fun things my friends do to celebrate the holidays! The perfect combination of childhood memories, adult libations all packaged in a fabulous funtastic afternoon! Of course, the invitees can come in costume, however, like the Punkinapalooza FAQ states:
"...Dress up as a pumpkin, and you will be murdered."

That's some serious competition that's going on!

But, first the ZOMBIE WALK!

A comment on

" 'Some of you people are crazy. What are you talking about? Say something intelligent, learn how to speak/write the english language.

- elizabeth '

"Ya - this is the place for enlightened conversation. Hello, we come here to see coke dripping from Lohan's nose bitch!"

Soo true. No one goes to Perez Hilton for stimualating conversation, but, they DO go to Perez Hilton to see celeb's receding waist lines, remains of their coke lines, hair lines, fashion mistakes, paparrazi quick takes and finally those paint shop mouse drawn quotes on the images.

No photos. I lost that opportunity quick when my man with the camera skipped off.

But, I, Karmacake, was chillin' with The Killers at Revival. Well, I was there. It was good times but I felt so bad. This group of guys, on tour, probably exhausted were at Revival for the MTV after party. Every female was clinging off their arms and hanging off of every word the band mates were saying. Although, were they hanging off of the words or just lost in the awesomeness of their fame and celebrity.

It's true.
Fame does make people more attractive.

Someone once told me, "When you're famous there will be people out there who only want to know you for your fame. Everyone will want something from you. You need to be careful."

Last night I understood that line as the gospel of fame. All I wanted to do was step up and shield the band mates so they could have 5 minutes of a normal world. They sat, paralyzed by people they don't know all whom were begging for a moment of the bands attention.

I initated a conversation with Brandon Flowers, albeit brief, and I left. I couldn't ask for my photo with them, they are humans, not a roadside attraction. Although, Brandon was in my immediate area for my duration in the VIP lounge and I got many intrigued glances from the band mates.

I wasn't clinging on their fame.
I didn't make conversation because I wanted a piece of them.
I wanted to find my friends because they will always love me no matter what I do.

But, The Killers will remember this girl.
Sorry I didn't talk to them more... but, there was no way I would've heard anything they had to say. But, they get points for tolerating the barrage of fans.

Maybe we'll meet again.
Maybe I'll be interviewing them.

Friday, October 20, 2006

Yesterday, I got the call I've been waiting for, what feels like, a lifetime. Showcase is producing a pilot and they wanted me to be the host.

no. not great.

I would be required to sign a contract that might force me to go topless should the producers wish it to be so.

I tried to bargain, I went pretty close to nude, but, no go. Totally toplessness on camera in a capacity that would tarnish my reputation, demolish my integrety and eliminate any future career as a respected television host.

It's been a hard day, I've been feeling low. To get so close to something that I've been looking for so long and to come across a moral dilemma the killed the opportunity in the water. It's upsetting. I just want to be a host to bring the world alive for people. To enlighten, entertain and be respected for this role.

It is hard. But, for some it just falls in their lap.
Maybe it's like love? If you're not looking for it, it'll just happen.
But, if I don't look for it, it may never happen.
I'm not ready to let go, yet. And, I know I don't need to go topless to get there.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

I don't want to hate. I tried to find merit in this woman's music, but, all I can walk away with is "Yep, sure is experimental."

If you want to be reminded of why Yoko Ono shouldn't sing:

I can't talk about this anymore, I only have bad things to say.

Lenny Kravitz apparently lost a bet and is lending his vocals to her album.


Saturday, October 14, 2006

A step forward in enforcing a positive image of women's bodies as portrayed in the media.

Recently, Spain's government passed a law banning models from working in the country if they have a BMI of less that 18.5. Many on Canada's cite frustration over this apparently hasty ban of models.

The fashion industry recoils.
The rest of the world rejoices.

Jem, a Model Resource Canada Forum contributor, further justifies her irritation by saying that BMI is not an accurate measure of the health of a model. "... having a low BMI is not necessarily always an indicator that a person is unhealthy or has an eating disorder... BMI provides no measure of the mental health and nutritional status of an individual", Jem says.

She is correct, I must say. However, the law that Spain passes is nipping the root of the skewed body image bombarded upon it's female (and to a lesser extent male) popular. It is not intended to save ill models from the pangs of malnutrition, but, to set an example. To show that gaunt shapeless models do not possess a positive body image, therefore they are encouraged to adopt a healthy body image to work in the country.

Why? Because we are breaking records, I'm sure. Women are chasing a body shape attainable through poor eating habits and it is fuelled by the fashion industry. With images of young, emaciated figures taking magazine covers and runway shows, how do we ever expect to raise a generation of women with a mentally that accept's their curves? We honestly can't.

Jem suggested implement mental assessments to save the rejected models. A noble suggestion, I'm sure, however, not one that I'm keen to adopt. To put in place an international "Save our Models" campaign is ridiculous. By simply encouraging a healthier body image we all can make steps to eradicate eating disorders.

I am in favour of healthier models, curvier models and limiting the visibility of the poorly fed fashion models. Why? Because it fucks with women's heads.

Jem goes on to state that 23% of young women will be effected by obesity where as only 3% were effected by eating disorders. A HIGHLY optimistic percentage, I must say! Jem, invite me to your bulemia free world of cakes and skinny legs.
I could not find Jem's resources, however, the National Eating Disorder Information Centre provided me with a shocking statistic:

27% of girls 12-18 have severely problematic eating habits. This is based only upon reports.
Out of my friends I can say 50% of us have had severely problematic eating habits.

So let's just face facts.
We need to make change. Sometimes you don't want it to happen, but, it doesn't mean that it shouldn't go ahead.
Don't be afraid to suck it up princess, you don't have to puke it out anymore.
Spain wants to hire you

Thursday, October 12, 2006

On my walk home through Bloor Yorkville I see this:

On first instinct one would think homeless event planners have claimed the space. But, nope, it's just a local politician running for the Mayoral candidacy here in Toronto.

I just want to know why does every Political HQ that has a visible store front look to me like their are squatting on the land?

I'm just askin'

Tomorrow night is it.

The Canadian Opera Company's chic and trendy event for young professionals 25-45 is on for it's third and most successful year. I will be there with my fellow committee members, coworkers, friends and the who's who of Canada to enjoy a sumptuous night of cocktails, hors d'oeuvres and DJ's spinning arias with beats in a unique event that comes but once a year.

As a fundraising event Operanation last year raised 21K, in comparison this year we've raised over 5X the amount in an unprecedented and thrilling boost! With tickets featuring an open bar, hors d'oeuvres, silent auction, performances, DJ's spinning arias with beats, models in costume, and even more to highlight the brilliance of opera in the enviable Glass Enclosed City Room at the brand new Four Season's Centre for Performing Arts.

The night will be covered by all the top news agencies including Jazz FM, Lifestyles, Women's Post, Dolce, Lush, CFRB, Fashion Magazine; FQ, Fab, Metro, Biz Bash, Xtra, Toronto Life and National Post and of course, Karmacake will be in the centre of it all covering the event in the uniquely stylish KC way.

Celebrities will abound and the world will once again be looking at the Canadian Opera Company as they forge a new standard in Fundraising Fun.

Come on out, there's only 40 tickets left!

Keep tuned in, next week I hit Toronto Fashion Week!

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Attention Americans!
A new energy drink is about to hit your shelves and, not only, does it have 350% more punch than Red Bull or a Starbucks Grand Coffee, it also has a name what glorifies the use of an illegal narcotic:

There's an old saying that says "Any publicity is good publicity". A philosophy equivalent to potty jokes as the lowest form of humour. I congratulate the marketers of Cocaine for aptly demonstrating the principals of the fart joke as it applies to energy drink marketing.

Never fear, the creators of Cocaine have a social conscious! They publicly denounce the use of illegal narcotics on their website, oppose the consumption of their beverage by those under 18 and vehemently frown upon the use of High Fructose Corn Syrup(HFCS) in their product.

HFCS is bad for you.
I wager not as bad as 280mg of caffeine jolting through your system.
I guess what they're saying is that the beverage could be a lot worse.

Thanks, Cocaine cola for looking out for us energy hungry plebs, you guys are swell!

Just so there's no misunderstanding, Cocaine Energy DOES NOT contain cocaine or anything else illegal. Some report that it is numbing on the way down and leaves a sensation similar to cocaine. Others report it has a fruity atomic fireball taste... I've only tasted atomic fireballs once... when I was on holidays in Fruity. We ate the atomic fireballs fresh off of the bush... and...


Again, the marketers are shilling nonsense.

Finally, what is it that makes Cocaine so special? A high, followed by a state of euphoria and energy that lasts 5-6hours. No crash.

I just don't agree with a canned beverage that markets energy equivalent to using an illegal substance. It really isn't right. People in the world have severe problems with the drug, we ought to be mindful of that and try to discourage a younger generation from investing in such a fad.

The message isn't positive, regardless if the product is good.

Sometimes you come across someone with a natural talent that it needs to be celebrate.
Mark Bradfield of DigitalKreation is one of those talents. He's a photographer that I work almost exclusively with.

The photo on the left is some of Mark's work. He excels in capturing spontaneous moments of realism. When I look at an image of myself captured through Mark's lense, I see an honest side of me, a side that I can relate to.

In short, I find the images beautiful.

Now, a few weeks ago, I went to Footworks. I am now socially employed and to promote my buisness I need to make the rounds. Most of the night was spent out doors chatting with the smokers, but, Footworks needs better ventilation since it gets nasty hot.
So suffering through the nasty hotness, Jax and I stumble across this young photographer, Sasha.
Though he didn't post the phots he took of Jax and I, I did rock on over to his livejournal where I saw images predominantly of the personalities that populate the Toronto night club scene. Honest and true photos that you can't help but love looking at. I love the above photo of MC Flipside.

And, this photo of DJ Dennis Hahn at College Subway. Go check out to see more of his work. To contact him, or to send him props.

I hope he'll come to our Friday nights at Revival. If so, you might be so lucky to get your photo taken by him. Needless to say, I have to go through the approval process. Keeping my fingers crossed that it'll happen.

Sometimes, life takes you to amazing places. And, sometimes those places happen to be through the lense of an artist's camera.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Karmacake does NOT approve of your underground explosion of nuclear bombs.


It hurts me to know that you're just not happy with what you have.
Why do you want bombs?
Kim Jon Il, you could be the illest gangsta rappah to hit the circuit
"Yo, Where's my Korean Geezers At?
Where my bitches with der Bacardi Breezers at?"

Much more notoriaty, cash AND influence then causing fear and erratic behaviour in the world. I guess you're just trying to create a familiar environment for yourself, but, truthfully... if you create a happy safe world, perhaps lace it with some zoloft you'll probably feel MUCH better. Besides, you could monopolize the rap market.
Who's going to fuck with a dude not afraid to explode a nuclear warhead in his own backyard?

Not me!
However, I would have to admit. You've gots some serious street cred.
Street cred always makes for fab album sales not to mention ridiculous downloads off of iTunes.

However, the angle I never looked at is the one where you're simply making your nuclear prowess known to ward off potential U.S. invasions. I'm sure if Iraq had an nuclear weapon that whole horrible fiasco would not have happened. It's true, the U.S. does deal much more diplomatically with countries with the bomb.

You technically don't really have to have a bomb.
You just need to make the U.S. think you have a bomb.
They prolly won't check, or if they do, we know they won't find it.

They can't find weapons of mass destruction, internatinoal terrorists, mad cow disease on home soil, and oh yeah, the time to go to anger management.

G.Double-ya - He drops bombs.
Like Kim Jon Il.

Monday, October 09, 2006



What did I do to deserve such an honour? I somehow made it to the top friend's list of Todd Shapiro, aka - Toddy Tickles & formerly Re-Todd of Edge102.1FM

I have a feeling he cycles through all of the folks on his friend's list, but, I'll enjoy being a bonified web hottie until then.

What's Edge102.1FM it's one of Canada's top rated radio stations dedicated to playing new music. Mostly rock, punk, indie and alternative tracks. Before I moved to Toronto I knew of Edge Fest, an annual rock show, but, as time moved on and I came to the city I fell in love with the sometimes crass morning show. One of the personalities is a gent by the name of Todd Shapiro who is charged with performing ridiculous stunts, saying odd things to passers by, but, what I love about him is occasionally a sweet and honest person will come across the airwaves. Someone very different from the smug testosterony self he's encouraged to play.

Once upon a time I made my way to the Edge studios where I won a date with Todd. I acted the fool and he never called. Shame. LOL But, we all grow up and I wish him all the best on his quest to find a girl.

I will always remember his blue eyes and his apology "I'm not really like this in real life. It's all an act."

It's cool Todd.
It's square.
I'm a top friend.

THC Free Baking is fun!
Cakes and casseroles from the one and only Mingy Ree!

It all starts with a girl, a deadline and a few key ingredients.

The cake= 1 inside out German Chocolate Cake
mmmm yummy!

With a little patience, and a verve to experiment I, KC, can create scrumptuous gorgeous deliciousness with little effort.

Soundtrack to creation? Much like God when he created the world in 7 days, I too listen to Lily Allen's Still Allright!

What will it look like? Patience young grasshopper.
Must get started on the veggie casserole now!

Okay it's 1:40pm and the condensed milk is in the oven Dulce de Leche-a-fying because the cake is now out of the oven.

The cake is out of the oven. The veggie casserole is complete now I just need to make the glaze and everything will be ready to rock n' roll! woot woot!

Wow, this is going to be a well timed turkey day!

No glaze for the top of the cake, just a standard butter cream will do fine. I should've gone to Pusateris and bought a thing of Dulce de Leche, but, I wasn't thinking.

I'm getting tuckered. I need to wash my face and tidy the kitchen up a little before I go anywhere. I should ring a cab for 2:30pm.
Jax is supposed to join me, but, she's not answering her phone. Oh well, very much her loss.

It's okay to cry.
I would if I were you.
cry cry cry into your pillow.
I will take lots of photos of the meal you're going to miss!

The Turkey my mum and my sister spent all day cooking!
I think it was well worth it!!!
Me stealing turkey mmm nice belly fatty!