How awesome was it when you were a kid and you surrupticiously acquired something declared verbotum by the parentals. The secrecy of a clandestine stash was to be savoured and enjoyed with the highest level of security, in the closet with an ear tuned to footsteps on the stairs was my particular favorite way.

Well, you can regain the thrill of that rush yet again! No joke!! It's the hottest way to hype a new movie, or concert. Simply make it controversial enough for policitians, and lobby groups to puff their stuffy chest and wag their fingers in wide eyed disapproval... and, well people will clammer to check it out.


Do I need to support my claim?
Ugh, fine.
Passion of the Christ.
Who cared?
The Jews cared and cited the production as being anti-semetic and vowed to boycott the film.
Boycott the film?! Not before the hugely Christian population of the world gets to hold audience to Mel Gibson's excessively long passion play.
The result?
Mega millions in the bank.

Now of course this doesn't always work. To a certain point the public is becoming desensitize to graphic, whatever. The recent release of Shotbus apparently has a hard core sex scene in it and religious groups aren't coming out to picket. Somethings are inevitable... at some point, people are going to have sex on camera. If Paris Hilton does it, it's got to be mainstream and if it's mainstream then God can't have a problem with it.

That's hot.
So hot.

But, please my intrepid Karmacake reader, I promised you clandestine gratification and I will deliver it to you!! So what is making controversial headlines?
Take one film, insert gross political statements conflicting with the current establishment and release.
Controversy will abound and you can indulge.
We can all be happy.

The average film studio sites that they will denude their films of pollitical leanings in order to avoid alienating large portions of their audience. However, I feel that films have such an impact on society, that audiences go to acquire some experience. If film makers devein their films of any though provoking content then how do they expect to nurture a thinking audience? No, film studios are in the business of making le big bucks, therefore, they don't really have a social conscious, they just want to make movies and make money.

Well, let's face it. Audiences are bored. Bored with the same ol' neutered crop of romantic comedies and played out remakes.

The hot shit is in any film that has any pollitical leanings, preferably anything that nays President G-Double-ya.

Insert Dixie Chick's documentary "Shut up and Sing" ads removed from major US networks.
Insert fictitious documentary "Death of a President", chronically the assination of G Double-ya, removed all together from major movie houses.
And, of course, insert Borat's darling film "Borat: Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan", good luck checking it out in Kazakhstan! The president there doesn't think Borat can show them anything to make more benefit of Kazakhstan... except of course putting it on the map.

I'm just saying, I didn't even know it was a real country until the president issued a ban.

So there you have it.
A list of the movies I'm going to go and see.

Wanna be my date?
Dates are good because they'll buy the tickets.