You want it. You got it. Karmacake takes you on a whirlwind tour of Celebrity Gossip as found on other people's blogs.

1. Suri Cruise, the suggested child of once box office blockbuster, Tom Cruise, has confirmed her place in the trendsetters corner. The baby toupee, that parents Katie and (possibly) Tom Cruise forced Suri to wear on the cover of Vanity Fair, is all the rage in Europe. I suggest that Tom start marketing the Suri while he still has the chance. He could do with some casheroo.

2. Brangelina are set to make their mission to populate the world with genetically perfect human beings. Brad was quoted as saying he wants to have a soccer team. Angelina was quoted as asking if the publicity stunt was over yet.

3. Vaughniston have split. Reason for the end of the relationship might have something to do with Jennifer's good name dragging Vince's career down with hers. Vince baby, you're money baby MONEY!

4. Kirsten Dunst makes racial slur to explain why the French boo'd her in Cannes. They are just jealous. Because that's the natural nationalistic response. Americans would do the same apparently when faced with a French film of George Washington with French Actors... No one asked the Austrians, considering Marie Antoinette was born Austrian. Arnold Schwarzenegger still has yet to emerge from the private screening. The muffled sounds eminating from his viewing booth have yet to be confirmed as boos.

5. KC is going to bed. Tomorrow night is a big night at Revival in the Stone Lounge. I'll be there. Come see me email me at and let me know if you'll be there and I'll make sure you're on the guest list in the Stone Lounge.

night kids