So yeah, I'm single. And, with single-dom comes certain freedoms! You don't have to worry about what your partner might think, you can go out to a bbq on a whim, and you don't have to worry about why he's feeling neglected because you've got lots on your plate.

But, my favorite, is checking out the dudes on internet dating sites. This medium has provided me with too many great stories, from Bugman (A handsome poli-sci student who's apartment was so messy a swarm of worms covered the ceiling of his apartment. This was appropriate date conversation, how?) t0 the eldery 25 year old (a young man who drove the biggest boat of a bmw, wore ridiculous loafers and talked about his job with some industrial contractor - Wait! IS THAT... BRILL CREAM IN YOUR HAIR!?)

My faithful blog readers have read about Rohi about my thoughts on barechested photos and now you will all be able to read about the gent I had to SERIOUSLY think about posting about. He is so needy, so out of touch with women, so keen to be the "Sensitive Sexy Man" that he is the extreme in ridiculousness.

Listen there's nothing I can say that would EVER add more humour to this. In fact, when you don't think it could get any funnier it does. From his opening that professes his belief in "Loyalty, not monogamy... where couples should have sex with others together" to a bizarre quote from an ex attesting to his date worthiness "Sexually insatiable and dominant in a sweet way". I thought the laughs stopped there, but, trust me they most definitly do not! This is a listing that just keeps on giving, like him... if you're shaven.

Click on the photos for this complete profile and photo and HAVE A GREAT DAY!

Somewhere I'm going to be punished for laughing over this guy's misery... I mean we ALL deserve to be loved, right? But, I know this post will bring a smile to someone's face, and it's entirely possible, this guy isn't even serious!! I MEAN, HOW COULD HE!?

D. I truly am honoured you sent me a smile. I don't think I need to ask you about your last appearance on Springer! Baby, you're Springer's all time season favorite!