Personally, I've completely washed my hands of downloading music. Truthfully, I use an old computer, have a slow connection (thank you Rogers), and don't have time to dedicate to trying to local music files that aren't dummies.

I've discovered Yahoo! Music where it's like a internet radio service, but, the benefit is that you can hear on demand the songs you want, it's a free service, and you can customize it to the music you want to hear. That's exactly what I want.

Also, Rogers on Demand has a free Indie Music portal so you can watch videos of various Independant Canadian Artists. Which I dig. I dig alot.

I feel that the direction that artists are taking is much more progressive then the stagnating stance of the record companies. But, then historically, artists have been the ones that define community standards. They push the envelope, they dwell and the create beautiful art and often poignant commentary. I trust them more than I trust an executive who believes that a loss in a few million dollars is a significant drop in the pan for an industry that generates billions.

That's pocket change!
Mr. Record Exec, please run and shed your crocodile tears for all but me! I feel no sympathy for you!