If you grew up in the 80's then chances are high that you tuned into Jem and the Holograms. It was a wicked show that I lived for every single day of my life! Hey, when you're 7 what else is there, honestly?
I never missed an episode. She was my hero! She had it all, the life, the friends, the romance, the career, the fame the fortune and she was a little glam pop star.

So today, want for something to blog about, I went on a search for a Jem and the Holograms t-shirt and I started to think. That show kind of helped to mold my life... stay with me and I'll outline it in point form:

- Jerrica Benton (Jem's alter ego) is a hard working family girl. A philanthropist by trade she runs the Starlight Foundation, a foster home for under privileged youth.
I am a hard working family girl who is a fundraiser by day.

- Jerrica's secret life is Jem. Jem allows Jerrica to be glamourous pop star by night, and the money she makes as Jem supports the Starlight Foundation.
I do the pageant, modelling, tv thing in my spare time. And, I donate to the arts and sit on a committee at the Canadian Opera Company for a fundraising event.

- Jerric/Jem has their love of their life that they can never truly be with because of her secret life.
I have an on again off again ex who I can never be with because he doesn't have his shit together.

- Jem's hair is blond and bright pink.
My hair is candy apple red, blond and brown. Because I can!

See, Jerrica/Jem had it all, and I try to as well. Then Jem was pulled off the air because Barbie came out with the Rockers and killed Jem... then Mattel came out with Maxie to replace Jem and that was a hideous show feature some character named mushroom... so then I got interested in boys cartoons like Batman and Spiderman.

They may not have battled eating disorders, drugs and fame, but, they did have nice bodies and had really great gadgets. I wanted to be Batman's Catwoman... *sigh*