Could the TTC be any more dramatic?
Shutting down an entire system- illegally, I might add- all over a union-management battle that had been brewing for months on several issues including the safety of drivers allegedly attacked while trying to make some commuters pay their fares. Health premiums, job evaluations and a move to make cleaning crews and employees who maintain the tracks to work permanent night shifts were also an issue.

TTC Officials deny any involvement claiming that the union set up picket lines preventing operators from signing to bring out their buses and street cars.

Torontonians are pissed because:

1. No warning to possible strike. Thereby inconveniencing millions of commuters.
2. Consistant fare hikes saw TTC fare rise from $2.25 to $2.75 in less than a year.
3. No reimbursement for monthly pass holders.
4. The sheer absurdity of a random strike.

This is why I don't take TTC. I walk, I Autoshare, I do anything I can NOT to take the TTC. Union officials feel no responsibility towards the Toronto public, and use their position as a bargaining chip. Holding commuters hostage after they endure fare hikes, intermittent service and might I add there was a time where I fell injured at Rosedale station and the TTC operator DID NOT come to my aid. I was outside in pain on the walkway for a good 10-15 minutes before a woman and her daughter came to my assistance.

In my mind, the TTC has abused their power, and, they deserve to have the privilege of a union revoked. That is the union officials feel that shirking their responsibility to provide transit service to the people of Toronto then they have no civic responsibility and they deserved to be punished.