Until the City of Toronto's appeal goes through, private businesses can issue parking tickets! What that means is, even if you don't get an official City of Toronto parking guastapo ticket offending your windsheid, the ticket that is there, you do have to pay for.

Toronto motorists were getting screwed before hand, but, now, ya'll are going to get raped... prison style. So you might as well just bend over and...

I can understand the POV of the businesses who would discover an unknown car parked on their private property. Heck, I would be pissed as well! Pissed that the car parked there is just a freeloader, and pissed that I would have to call a city parking enforcement officer to come and issue a ticket (complete with city logo) AND THEN I would be royally peeved that all the income generated from the ticket would go to the city, not the business.

It was an obvious city cash grab.
I personally would rather the business call the enforcement officer, issue the ticket and then the funds go to the business. I rather that over the business owner issue the ticket, because honestly, that'll have every car tagged all the time... where's the parking charity in this city?

I choose not to drive. I think it's a minor waste of time and money. I mean, you can pretty much walk everywhere. And, for places you can't walk to, you can take an Autoshare (I'm avoiding TTC because they keep hiking the fare every other day. I can't keep up, and honestly, the service was barely worth $2.10 and now it's hardly worth $2.75.)

Toronto is a city out to grab your money.