Well, recently my blog has started to hit the roof with an unprecedented number of daily hits. Going from an average of 2-3 people a day to 40 people a day and now finally 100+ people a day!

So I wanted to extend a huge thank you to all the folks that return daily to catch what's new on Karmacake! I may not have your names, but, I'll give a few shout outs and maybe you'll know who you are.

Big Love to my visitor from UPEI! Please post comments, good or bad, I really dig it that someone from back home is trolling my page.

Big Hugs to my visitor from Thornhill who uses Rogers. You've visited my site 33 times, so I'm obviously doing something of interest! Let me know what you want more of and I'll deliver!

Then I also get a lot of visitors to Karmacake from all around the world. Including, England, Vietnam, Thailand, Mexico, and of course USA! Kansas, I see you!

The most popular way that people are getting to the blog is mostly through google. Just by typing in "Day in the life of an Egyptian Girl" or "Karma Shwarma" and oddly enough searches involving porn. Which I'm not entirely sure how that worked out.

In the end, thanks everyone for visiting Karmacake! If you didn't visit, then I wouldn't blog.
