Who said SARS killed the Canadian film market!?
Shot over one week in a Markham historical park, two brothers, a handy cam and an absence of talent, run back inforth in an overgrown field shouting while waving prop guns.
This is also known as: The 5th Soldier...

Click here to "enjoy" the trailer.

Did you enjoy the mushroom cloud of poo? That totally explains the grey weather outside! Don't forget your umbrella, kids, shitstorm's a brewing!

"A" for effort boys. But, how many times can we see you run back and forth in the same patch of grass? Give me a second I'll count.... I got to 13 and I had to stop.

Is the movie lacking in hotties? THANK GOD NO! They are casting so, if you're interested, do it, only if you're hotter than this man, supposedly named Nathan. His ability may be questionable, but, he's hot. Ladies, just turn down the volume, kick back, and enjoy.

Click Here for Audition Info.
Great shot of a 1970's white GE stove in a "rural European Home", they must've had a water wheel generate the electricity from the nearby babbling brook. I don't understand why that soldier doesn't rip the door off that bitch and use it as a shield.

Well anyway, that's my thoughts for today.