Dear recently modified facial appendage,

Being a newer slimmer and sexier you is great, but, don't think that's going to help fool the public in believing your host has talent.

Remember the over publicized SNL Fiasco? Or the crowd of 72,000 booing your host at the Orange bowl? Did you forget this comment about Ashlee's voice being "a cross between a political prisoner being tortured and a test of the Emergency Broadcast System." Oh we all know how harsh those commentators can be.

We all thought that it would've been Ashlee to break under the pressure and not you! It was Papa Joe Simpson wasn't it? He called you fat didn't he?

Whatever the reason, you never needed to be that skinny. When Ashlee's 15 minutes blows over you're just going to be a skinny nose on a big head.


ps - I Karma find the new nose to be evocative of wacko jacko. It is HID-EE-OUS!... Heinous Nasous. Oh, Ashlee, you were so cute and approachable before. Did no one tell you that this whole perfection fad will change and blow a different direction. When it does, what will you do then?