When I sing, I rarely sing for others, but, I adore the sumptuousness of the words in different languages that roll off my tongue. Words are music. An organization of sounds an silences. Singing for me, is so deeply personal, I only sing for those I trust, admire and adore.

Words I adore shaped through tones I create.


Beauty so true they are a confession of an artists inspiration.

As a writer, I strive for that power. To elicit a response.

To be an artist.
To be honest.

Reality is the greatest inspiration for art. And, I am inspired through many words that pop up in the unlikely alley of my msn window.

Released without fear.
Poetry. Epiphanies.

Here are some that struck me this weekend.

: You're beautiful.
KC : umm... was that meant for me?
Mark: Yes.
KC: Awe, thanks!
Mark: I think you're absolutely stunning.
Mark: I wanted you to know. ;)
KC: Where did that loveliness come from
KC: *hugs*
Mark: Random. I think that's the best.


MADD HATTERE: Before they left, we were joking around, and Ash said, I think I had an emotion once, and than it got surrounded by thoughts
and we all laughed for a bit
MADD HATTERE: but than as I sat and waited for the subway, it came to me, Cil had emotion once, but than it got surrounded in thoughts
MADD HATTERE: and I couldn't stop laughing


J:You're the ideal inner goddess, you're just wonderful. And beautiful, inside and outside
J: I READ "Hello Lil Squeaker"
J: i wanted to tell you
J: it's beauttiful
J: i also saw myself. i see commercials, i see full of babies in the city and I am afraid of never having this.
KC: I worry how people interpret me when they read it. They might think that I'm looking to forfeit my goals for settling down. When in fact, it's the opposite.
J: who cares!
J: you can't censure yourself
J: you're an artist
J: a creator


Jay: you are rare and beautiful
Jay: ;)


B (&): you are there with unconditional love for your friends
B (&): so they are there for you too

Love you all.
Even if I work all the time and write until 4am.