Michael Mann's most recent contribution to the feature film circuit is a gritty (and lengthy) "homage" to the 80's iconoclastic tv drama. The original Miami Vice is synonimus for defining the fashion, style and decore of the 80's. Remember pastel blazers, sleeves pushed up and Memphis style interior design? Unfortunatly, the film, lacks the momentum to hold people's attention for 2 and a half hours. I blame lazy editors. "OH JUST PUT THE WHOLE THING TOGETHER. I'm tired, let's get this P.O.S. in the theatres and be done with it."

The movie, not the same as the tv show. Starting from square one, the characters and setting are the same, much is the attempt to focus on the loosely charismatic character Sonny (played by Don Johnston in the original). Okay, I give, Colin Ferrell is a hottie mchotterson, but, truthfully, when Colin hits the screen with his greasy, blond-esque mullet he exudes a dirty trailer park look that is best suited to a type of person harbouring a serious addiction and not one protecting and romancing the ladies.
Let's play a game! Take a shot everytime Ferrell's american accent slips! WHOOPS! How did I get sooooooooo drunk?!?

Oh, right...

But, they still try to awkwardly incorporate hilariously hollow relationship with the good girl, turn bad girl, turn good girl, turn girl in love, turn "pass the dutchie" drug monger's ho, turned damsel in distress, turn girl crying alone on a boat destined for Havana.

For 2 and a half hours, I sat through a film with a remotely engaging plot, characters that I really felt no compassion for, and terrible zingers such as:

-Is it December?
-Because I think Christmas came early

But, Michael Mann's obvious kink for sexy shower scenes populate the landscape of the film. So I guess it's not such a loss.

You know an action film is bad when there the film's awesomness is based solely on the coolness of some really fast boats. But, you need to wait like an hour for the boat scenes to appear. And, even then, they just are boating around. Fast. You can tell it's fast because of the wake of the boat looks like it's going fast.

There we a couple of explosions.
But, this film is in the MUST MISS catagory of films.

MISS MIAMI VICE! Rent the DVD set, it'll be more entertaining then an irritatingly bad film.