fa·tal·ism (ftl-zm)

1. The doctrine that all events are predetermined by fate and are therefore unalterable.
2. Acceptance of the belief that all events are predetermined and inevitable.

Yes, yes, yes! I agree, there are things in this world that happen for no apparent reason and we can't always explain them. Conveniently enough, we've composed a myriad of obnoxious little sayings to embody this fatalistic spirit we all habour. Your dear sweet Karmacake is also a victim of the redundant recycling of clichés encapsulating the intangible. I mean, there has got to be an explanation for everything! How can there be something in our lives that isn't controlled and planned? How can it be random?

But, what if life really isn't random. I mean, is it possible to live your life completely resigned to fate? Can a gal just let go and allow "what's meant to be" to just be? If so, then three of my friends, each muddling through their own little personal hells right now, should be fine right? From losing their jobs, lovers, or their willpower to a specific substance, it really wasn't anyone's fault, they were propelled by fate! Right?


Some devout Christians (like Billy Graham, who really creeps me out btw) believe that there is no fate, only faith and that it is the messages from God we interpret in our minds as the incentive for our actions, not free will. ("Officer, I'm a Christian. It was God who told me to do that line of coke off of the barrel of your gun.")

Diviners such as astrologers believe in the potential for greatness or disaster when actions are taken around specific celestial alignments in any given month, day or hour.

The average person senses that if something disasterous happens in their lives they get up, brush themselves off, and hope that they can make the best of whatever craziness comes there way. No messages from above, no planets in retrograde, nothing more than good old fashioned human determination and strength.

So if you want to believe that it was fate, faith, or whatever that gave you the courage to pick yourself up, then go ahead and believe in it. It's not hurting anyone.

Now karma... that's a different story all together!