I'm trying to write my teensy piece for Prince Edward Island's A&E paper The Buzz and I am stuck in a funk.

I can't get the words in my head to flow out of my fingers and onto my computer screen. Why? Well, it has a little something to do with Microsoft's inability to not suck.

As you know, I have a new computer: Lappy 3000. Lappy came with all the bells and whistles including Microsoft Office. I mean, how convenient is that? Word Processing on a home computer, what a novel concept? Well apparently, it is! Because as I attempt to install Microsoft Office, Microsoft refuses to allow me.

The product key that Microsoft gave me, is invalid. Customer Support had a fab idea, I should log online and buy a new key... FOR $249!!!


So now I have writer's block, no word processor, and I'm irate that Microsoft wants to violate me against my will. So what's a girl to do? I first hit the net trying to locate some illegal key or a crack so I can stick it to the man. However, the websites that have this information ask me politely to sign up for some free porn to get the key.

I mean porn and spam are my two favorite pork products, but, it goes bad pretty fast. Luckily, I found a msg board thread that advertised a lifesaving product called Open Office. This is yet another special product that is constructed by braniacs for people like me. Well meaning children who are tired of the over priced and over hyped software that we feel forced to buy. Well now we're not. Now we have paint.net instead of photoshop and Open Office instead of Microsoft Office.


So now I have writer's block, a useless word processor I need to uninstall, a little less anger towards Microsoft, and a whole lot of anxiousness for Open Office to install and I can stick it to the man.

This is without Microsoft getting all Metallica on my ass and suing me like Napster on a summer's day.

Viva la Mac!