Well, I do.

After a movie I open my mouth. Obviously, if you know me, this isn't coming as any great surprise. But, what came out was a waterfall of words kissed with overtones of giddy excitement and enthusiasm. You see, there are a few guys that I have my eye on, but, one in particular is intriguing me in a way I can't really describe.

With that said, the conversation was a monopoly and the language was gossip.
My gossip.

I can't take back the words that I said. I violated my personal challenge to resist devaluing another human being. I couldn't help it, I wanted to my friends everything I could. The guy is really sweet!

How do I right this? I can't just confess without:
A) Sounding Insane B) Admitting I think this person is special and C) Admitting that I spoke about them behind their back.

So I blog, in the only way I can confess in a semi public fashion.
I'm sorry.
I didn't say anything bad, just it was inappropriate.
I hope this can right the inbalance I placed in this universe!