Have you walked down the street and seen a few ChicTards sauntering past you in the haze of fashion ridicule? Misguided and alone, these folks have no clue on how to intrepret the latest trends.
Let's start with ChicTard #1

There's a reason why the boots are called UGGS. UGH! ANOTHER BITCH IS WEARING THEM!? Why? Well, there was a time when people looked towards Britney Spears for fashion tips. Those days we look back and think "Weren't we naive"

Obviously these ones didn't.

If you're looking for a shoe that looks perpetually dirty and instantly inflates the size of your calves to meat loaves then this is the shoe for you!
Apparently, it's fashionable to pair the shoes with a pair of grey sweats now a days. Listen, if anyone is reading this. PLEASE, set the uggs free, burn them, trash them, suspend them in a tree for squirrels to live in, but, do not wear them.

Chic Tard #2: The Edwardian Boy Pants

Don't pair your brown plaid cropped Edwardian Boy Pants with a pair of knee high vinyl boots with the square heel.

If you must wear a boot, make it a little cropped booty in a corresponding colour.
Further to that, pair the pants with a thick knit stocking and the shoes for a cute throw back look.

Mashing random styles from the past 3 decades can make a whole lot of bad things happen. I tried to let it slide, but, it was so hideous I had to follow the woman.

Don't be a Chic Tard!
Take your time.
Get Fashion right!