Everyday you learn something new, right?
You learn things like never take a pink pill when you've been drinking, never wear stillettoes when you're walking down hills, and in some cases you learn to just keep your big ol' mouth shut.

Something I definitly have a huge problem with! As you can see by the horrendous photo on the right. Big mouth - Check. Problem keeping it shut - Double Check!

Last night I had one of these life altering epiphanies: Am I so self obsessed that I don't even give other people a chance? I think that I'm so busy with my own life that maybe I come across like I'm not interested in others or maybe that I'm just not interested in getting to know people better.

At the end of the day, I'm just a girl, in a world that's bigger than I can imagine. My time is short and I want to make the most out of it. I surround myself with good people with different backgrounds, including artists, atheletes and professionals.

Underneath all my talk, is just a girl that wants to wear her jeans, play her indie rock and doze on the couch with a really great guy.

But, here's the thing. I'm not looking to make that happen over night - HEY! Maybe THAT'S MY PROBLEM! I'm also not in any rush for anything... maybe I should start acting like I am.

Okay, new leaf!

Desperate Karma now hitting a single's bar near you!

Ew. On second thought... no. I'll just go back to being chillax.

Oh lord, that single's bar thought made me feel a little nauseated. ick. Lord! WHO DOES THAT?!... oh yeah... cougars.
