We would all like to think that our former romantic romps weren't a complete wash! So let's celebrate in the things that we learned from our ex's!

I think the best thing I learned from an ex is how to make one wicked apple pie. That skill is one that's been valued by all, from family and friends!

Now, I did a google search to see what other people have learned from their ex's. Some aren't as positive as what I posted... For example:

- Mindles H. Dreck apparently learned that her ex was "actually evil freakazoid posing as human being"

- Maryam (My UK Friend) tells me via MSN that she learned "How NOT to treat a person" from her ex boyfriend.

- This one dude learned that letting go of his ex is not an option. Shameful, shameful. Women have an inner goddess they turn to, why don't men?

Feel free to post the happy things you walked away from your past relationships with. Of course, I could write some scathing things, but, honestly, how would that ever be a pick me up?

Well it wouldn't!