Shakira plays in the background while I read a Trudeau Quote. If you really want to trivialize pop music to ridiculous lows, read some Trudeau Quotes while listening to some of today's finest. In a matter of moments your perspective will be adjusted in a positive and more worldly direction.

You'll discover what Canadians have forgotten as one of the core values of what it truly means to be a Canadian. Harper may try to refocus Canada as a Little America, but, as long as the public holds true to Trudeau's vision of a unified country, honest with ourselves, our allies and out adversaries. We as a public will resist Harper's quest and strive to maintain a centralize government.

"Let it be said of Canada and of Canadians that we saw the crisis; that we did act; that we took risks; that we were loyal to our friends and open with our adversaries; that we lived up to our ideals; and that we have done what we could to life the shadow of war."
- Pierre Elliot Trudeau
