The story, like so many others, has a familiar theme though the characters are different.
An 18 year old woman, Nazanin, and her friend living in Iran fall prey to rape. Nazanin refusing to accept the violent act responds and murders her assailant. Her crime? Acting to protect her virtue. Her right to security of person was violated and the ruling to deciding her death is suspiciously attributed to her sex, a crime unto itself.
If you feel compelled, and I hope you do, please participate in this small act of kindness and sign the petition.
Here's the link to The Centre for Women's Global Leadership & Womens' Human Rights Net.
Link to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
All the best,
Thursday, March 30, 2006
Arm Chair Activism: Sign a Petition & Save a Girl's Life
Posted by
3/30/2006 04:20:00 PM
Wednesday, March 29, 2006
I Got Flashed!
Posted by
3/29/2006 02:53:00 PM
By a camera that is!
oh ho ho I'm so funny!
I was so lucky to work with my newest and most favoritest people! Monsieur Mark of Digital Kreation and Miss Monica
We took some photos and they are beautiful.
Here's the night in a nutshell... let's walk through it together, shall we?
1. I leave work at 5pm. I run to American Apparel, H&M, Shoppers and Arden.
3. Ran to Popeye's Chicken at Yonge & Bloor. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU DON'T DELIVER!? WALK IT UP! YOU DON'T TAKE VISA, YOU DON'T DELIVER... WHAT DO YOU DO THEN? MAKING CHICKEN IS GREAT, BUT- Oh my apologies... I don't want to be black balled from Popeye's. I take it back chicken master!"
4. We order pizza.
5. Bought FULL THROTTLE ENERGY DRINK (Doesn't taste like poo. Not filled with Herbal extracts)
6. Mark arrives before me.
7. Ran Home.
8. Apologies. - Where's Monica?
9. Drink energy drink.
10. Monica Arrives - Party Begins.
11. I try on clothes. We all become really close- FAST!
12. 10:30pm comes and it's time for everyone to go home.
13. Go to bed.
14. Wake up at 3:31am feeling like I didn't represent myself as strongly as I would've liked. I resign to apologise.
15. I wonder when we get to finish the shoot...?
Monday, March 27, 2006
I'm in the Internet Movie Database
Posted by
3/27/2006 05:51:00 PM
How could this have possibly happened? I'm in the Internet Movie Database
If you know what you're looking for, I'm listed there. It's funny because I'm in the entire thing 3 times. Once I'm whining about my knee... oh how glamorous it feels to be a super star.
Keep an eye out for me, new opportunities are still flying my way! I'm going to be a juror on Style by Jury on W... I'll keep you all posted on that one. That'll for sure be a blog.
Tomorrow night I have a faboo-rific photoshoot with the oh so talented Mark and make up by the oh so talented Monica. Photos will be submitted to a contest that will no doubt have my sisters frowning, but, I'm excited. Details to come so you can vote vote vote for me!
Tonight I have a dress rehearsal with the COC! I am a fabulous priestess!
ciao bellas!
Monday, March 20, 2006
Shakira the Soundtrack to Peace and Conflict.
Posted by
3/20/2006 02:37:00 PM
Shakira plays in the background while I read a Trudeau Quote. If you really want to trivialize pop music to ridiculous lows, read some Trudeau Quotes while listening to some of today's finest. In a matter of moments your perspective will be adjusted in a positive and more worldly direction.
You'll discover what Canadians have forgotten as one of the core values of what it truly means to be a Canadian. Harper may try to refocus Canada as a Little America, but, as long as the public holds true to Trudeau's vision of a unified country, honest with ourselves, our allies and out adversaries. We as a public will resist Harper's quest and strive to maintain a centralize government.
"Let it be said of Canada and of Canadians that we saw the crisis; that we did act; that we took risks; that we were loyal to our friends and open with our adversaries; that we lived up to our ideals; and that we have done what we could to life the shadow of war."
- Pierre Elliot Trudeau
Friday, March 17, 2006
The Day is Just Getting Better!
Posted by
3/17/2006 04:41:00 PM
I got carded.
No, really I seriously just got carded. And, by a dude my own age at that!!
I went to go and buy a chocolate bar from the common room when a gent approached me and said "IF you want to go in there and drink I'm going to have to see some id."
I replied as such. "Ahahahahahahahahahahahaaha - oh you seriously do want to see my id. Well I just wanted to go and buy a chocolate bar, it's obviously not open. So I'm cool."
"I didn't mean any offence"
"Honestly, there was no offence taken!"
It's good to know I still have it!
It's Really a Funny Story
Posted by
3/17/2006 02:35:00 PM
I got locked in a toilet stall.
Just now, just after I finished my other blogs, after I thought nothing exciting would happen and it did.
I was forced to crawl under the stall door to my freedom. On my hands and knees, clawing, pushing, kicking, grunting and pulling myself out to freedom. I did it grade 2 style with no shame or remorse.
Oh how terribly humiliating.
Yet... blog worthy!
Games: Suck on that 20Q!
Posted by
3/17/2006 01:40:00 PM
You think you're so smart, don't you.
Your cleverly organized questions, and your simulated intelligence.
Well, you lost!
Lost in 20 questions!
And, don't you try and tell me how you would've answered my questions if you were playing the answerer. That's not how it's going down.
I don't care if you got it in 24 questions, the game is called "20 Questions" and you lost lost lost!
And, I won won won!
*sigh* I'm lonely.
Stalky! Stalky!
Posted by
3/17/2006 11:49:00 AM
We need to get lives.
How sad have we become as a society when our fixation with celebrities morphs into something insane like tracking them down like diseased cows.
I'm all for the celeb gossip. I love feeling like I have a foot into their magical elitest world.
But, even I must draw the line somewhere.
Obviously, the people at don't have the same high moral standards as I do.
Thursday, March 16, 2006
Will This Green Tea it Kill Me?
Posted by
3/16/2006 12:54:00 PM
I love green tea. I love it!
Tastes good.
Want for something to blog about, I thought I would blog about Green Delicious Tea. Then, the dark side of green tea crept in... the fact that there's all sorts of extracts and roots populating my favorite beverage.
Will my Green Tea Kill Me?! It contains Ginseng, Ginko Bilboa, Guarana and Echinacia. I mean, I worry, will this combination render me sterile? Will my few hundred precious little ova mutate into something terrible?
Craving answers, I hit the web. What I found out is the following:
P**** Co. wants to cull North America's population. Have you ever seen one of their execs kickin' back the So*e beverages? Well, to tell the truth, I've never actually seen one of their execs... I do, however, find the visual of them drinking anything but liquor hard to visualize. They drink because they suffer from an ever present aching pain... the only remains they have of their once vibrant souls; now property of Satan. (Not Santana) The drinking makes them forget, and helps them feel the way that they once did. The day they became an executive of a tool of assimilation.
But, I digress!
In short, the combination of herbal extracts in this beverage is enough to provide some concern to anyone with high blood pressure. Or if you don't have high blood pressure, you might have it from drinking this! The combination of herbs is enough to raise blood pressure, prevent cuts from scabbing, long term consumption may cause menstrual abnormalities, insomnia, gastrointestinal upset, anxiety, urinary frequency, trembling, decreased fertility, cardiovascular disease and several forms of cancer. Above all, if that wasn't enough all of the herbs were not recommended for pregnant or lactating women.
Why did they mix all those extracts together? I can tell you why: Because they just don't care.
There's another reason: Because idiots like me buy them and think they are healthier because it has herbal extracts in it. I will now only drink Amazon Green Tea AND my own brewed tea.
What to learn more about drugs, herbal remedies and foods that can interact poorly with medications? Go here!
Wednesday, March 15, 2006
Rant: Healing Emotional Pain!
Posted by
3/15/2006 03:34:00 PM
While at work, one of our students came in. She was down and a little depressed. She's still hurting over a recent love that left her life only a month ago.
Is the story sounding familiar? No, it's not me! Let's just squash that thought right now!!!
Well here's the difference, he broke up with her over the phone. He used the rhetoric we're all familiar with: I'm so busy, It's me not you, I just don't want to be involved, I'm confused, etc.
The relationship was short, but, in the time frame he confessed his love for her and led her to believe that a future was possible. So when he cowardly gave his notice over the phone it really really hurt.
I feel that emotional pain is so difficult to deal with that we as women (sorry, boys) forget that we can have control over our own destiny.
Don't be afraid. Make that your mantra in post breakup!
I won't be afraid to cry
I won't be afraid to show my emotions
I won't be afraid to be angry
I won't be afraid of the future
I won't be afraid to be strong
I won't be afraid to get closure
The last one is always so hard to work with. Because, sometimes you won't get answers on why they left you. However, sometimes, closure is within your grasp. You just need to NOT be afraid to reach out and grab it. Not being afraid to get closure also means that you're not afraid to be strong (i.e. - accepting that getting closure may mean hearing the reasons why he doesn't want to be involved)
My student friend is afraid to show she's weak.
"But, he dumped me
I say, "There's a difference. Being weak is denying yourself the one event that will ultimately provide you with the happiness you crave. Nothing to be ashamed to meet up with your ex, talk about life, rediscover who they are, show them what a beautiful person you've grown into, and ask in a non-threatening way the circumstances that led to the end of the relationship. If he's honest and good, he will provide you with answers. If he's not, he won't and you understand at that point he wasn't strong enough to be in a relationship with you."
Sometimes we're lucky, relationships last. Sometimes we're lucky and we bounce back after they end. However, I never ever ever believe that any of us are unlucky in love.
Tuesday, March 14, 2006
My Conversations Foreshadow: The Female Form
Posted by
3/14/2006 04:25:00 PM
I swear, I talk about something one day, the next day it's in the paper.
Last night, while chilling with my buddy Mr. T, seen here making his "I'm so cool it hurts" face for his contribution to my collection of bare chested men. I made the comment that "I just don't understand men". Men, they are in love with pieces... like "I'm a breast man" or "I'm a leg man" and this is perfectly reasonable conversation.
Women on the other hand; we tend to like a nice boy bum or a pretty face. But, never would you find a lady say "I'm an ass lass" or "I'm an face whore". It just doesn't happen.
So today, I open up my copy of the Toronto Star and I'm perusing the headlines. I start to read about how video gaming men between the ages of 18-34 have created a whole other dimension to gaming. Obviously, since I'm talking about Tits n' Ass I'm sure you realize I'm not going to say the article was about Xbox 360 or HD whatever.
Virtual babes raked in $10 billion dollars in sales last year. They have their own award at the Spike TV Video Game Awards. They have movies made out of them. There's even a magazine for them called Girls of Gaming.
Poor MRS. PACMAN! She's sitting in her living room, in a tattered old robe, sobbing her eyes out. She's turned into an emotional eater, popping more pills then she ever did in her digitized maze, substituting canned frosting for the pieces of fruit she used to eat. Now on her screen of life, the score represents calories consumed and everytime the number gets higher, her career slips away further.
No one wants to see Mrs. Pacman when there are highly defined buxom babes generated through millions of man hours. There in a sweet dot com world, recent grads animates "boob jiggles" to perfectly compliment "ass wobbles" which don't shift the characters thong (which also doubles as her gun belt). Video Game Vixens dress strictly for function not for fashion! Because what's more functional then wearing nothing? Mrs. Pacman only wore a bow, and look at how many ghosts she dealt with!?
So what is my point? Men are obsessed with the physical. To the point it ceases to be offensive, and turns into ridiculousness. Truthfully, these breast obsessed boys are all around the world, and they are the ones that dominate most positions of power. Truthfully, until young men suffer in the same token as women in terms of objectification, humiliation and sexism then how do we ever expect them to regard women with respect?
A sexy video vixen can also have some coverage, let's train our public properly!
I objectify YOU MR. T! How do you like that! I'm sure you like it very much to be honest.
Now I end it with a quote:
"I'm hoping we've reached the end of the hyper-absurd — that's from a developer's perspective," says Brenda Brathwaite, lead designer on Playboy: The Mansion. Brathwaite, whose book Sex in Video Games will be released by Charles River Media this fall, added: "I really do believe that we've hit the apex of the thong bikini dungeon dweller."
Monday, March 13, 2006
Celebrity Gossip Recap!
Posted by
3/13/2006 02:19:00 PM
Oh so very very much has happened in the lives of our beloved extroverts!
Here's the run down of the latest, greatest and my personal thoughts.
TomKat - They were recently seen creeping me out! Anger abounds during a heated arguement at Tom's Child's basketball game. Although, the reports are foggy, the debate probably included the words: fake pregnancy & homosexuality.
Best Quote on a Celebrity - This fictious award goes to Angelina Jolie.
- Bill Maher on Angelina Jolie-Pitt
Show's You Will Never Watch Because you just don't care! - Wafah Dufour, Osama Bin Laden's
L. Ron Hubbard Hates Tom Cruise - A recent Rolling Stone article about Scientology reports that its founder, L. Ron Hubbard, felt that gays “should be taken from … society as rapidly as possible” because “no social order will survive which does not remove these people from its midst.”
You all needed to know, so I'm happy to have filled you in. Now we can all go to sleep a little easier.
Friday, March 10, 2006
Barefaced & Barechested!
Posted by
3/10/2006 02:06:00 PM
Let's just take a moment and really try to understand young single men, shall we?
Before you blow your mind concentrating on any one of their baffling characteristics, allow me to direct your focus towards the antecedent: Rohi.
Had enough of my clues? Okay, Kiddies, I'm talking about men and their fascination with their chests! There's some auto-adoration taking place that isn't normal. And, the majority of these moments are celebrated and documented in bathrooms. Even more disturbing is that they are not only stripping down, going to the loo, but, they thought to take their camera in with them. Whether they expected the lighting would highlight their assets or they wanted to take a photo of something else, either way, it's a little upsetting.
At first, it was surfing the single's sites and laughing with friends over how presumably shallow they perceive women to be. Who can blame their logic, really? They love to stare at a hot rack so why wouldn't women want to stare at pecks seemingly blessed by Adonis, himself? However, I started to notice it everywhere! Fall Out Boy's band mate got caught snapping shots in the mirror with his Hot Top: Phone and Bare chest!
In light of this, the need to document chisled abs seems to be hardwired in the brains of men. To what end? Honestly? What are they going to do with these photos besides post them on a single's website to try and tempt the ladies? Please, I'm not a "But-the-face" girl, so don't flatter yourself. I am shallow in so many more ways!
For your enjoyment I post a smattering of offending photos. Please gently rest your mouse over the photo for caption me comments:




Thursday, March 09, 2006
Posted by
3/09/2006 08:11:00 AM
I woke up to the radio, like I do most mornings, and the topic of choice: The OPSEU Strike. Todd Shapiro, co host of Edge102.1 FM descended upon George Brown Castleloma campus with some pissed off students.
I for one am against teacher strikes, I'm against any strike that hold the paying public accountable, and in fact, college/university teacher strikes are particularly brutal! Students (most who can't even form a complete sentance or are still too young to articulate why they are angry in the first place) are paying exhorbitant tuition fees, most of which they can't even afford, are forced to endure their education on hold.
Holding Students Hostage IS NOT THE ANSWER!
Why? As a student who experience a 3 week strike at Mount Allison University, I received no compensation! We, the students, requested an elongated school year to make up for the time lost. We were denied! We received no rebate, we got nothing except for exams when class let back in. The majority failed, we had no instruction to supplement our book study!
The basic fact, most teachers are not there for the students. It's a sad reality and it's one that hurts. Students pay fees to pay for salaries so they can learn.
Students have entered into a contract in which the university agreed upon. The contract is one that states that for moneys received services will be due. This is the same when you buy a bag of bread and it's stale when you get home, you can return it. When you buy a ticket to a concert hall, if the show is cancelled the public needs to be refunded. WHY ARE STUDENTS LESS ELIGIBLE FOR A REFUND WHEN THEY PAY THOUSANDS NOT DOLLARS?!
The problem, students have no strong union to assist them to hold universities accountable for the irrepairable damage that can occur. But, the only way this would work, would be to with hold tuition payment.
My damage? I failed Archeology class and my GPA dropped. I was thankful I was in music at the time, we were a small faculty filled with uber keen students so I couldn't sit in the library, but, I could chill with students about to graduate and pique their brains.
However, I recognize that not all students are like that, and they should not be expected to fend for themselves for education. ESPECIALLY WHEN THEY ARE PAYING FOR IT!
I could go on for ages on this topic, but, students, not teachers, are being violated right now. And the teachers will not be held accountable and that makes me furious!
I wish I could get to the Castleloma campus and educate the educators!!
Wednesday, March 08, 2006
Things I've Learned From Ex Boyfriends
Posted by
3/08/2006 09:16:00 AM
We would all like to think that our former romantic romps weren't a complete wash! So let's celebrate in the things that we learned from our ex's!
I think the best thing I learned from an ex is how to make one wicked apple pie. That skill is one that's been valued by all, from family and friends!
Now, I did a google search to see what other people have learned from their ex's. Some aren't as positive as what I posted... For example:
- Mindles H. Dreck apparently learned that her ex was "actually evil freakazoid posing as human being"
- Maryam (My UK Friend) tells me via MSN that she learned "How NOT to treat a person" from her ex boyfriend.
- This one dude learned that letting go of his ex is not an option. Shameful, shameful. Women have an inner goddess they turn to, why don't men?
Feel free to post the happy things you walked away from your past relationships with. Of course, I could write some scathing things, but, honestly, how would that ever be a pick me up?
Well it wouldn't!
Tuesday, March 07, 2006
Skewed Self Image
Posted by
3/07/2006 09:35:00 AM
Now today's main blog is supposed to be the "Women's Rights" post. But, I really had to vent about my adventures in internet dating.
Stop, I can feel some of you laugh! I promise, there will be humour in the post, but, my confession is NOT it!
So, it begins as I walk down the aisle for tall, and creative individuals. It ends when I get smiles from creatures great and small, some of which have no idea what sort of ridiculous personae their snapshot portrays them as.
I submit exhibit A:
I call him - Rohi the Bisexual Polynesian Oracle.
Ladies, if you're interested, Rohi extracts energy from the radiant heat of votive candles. By baring his chest to the elements, he allows the footprints of fairies to tickle his pecks and his spirit. He's looking for the love of a good woman because necromancy is no longer filling the void.
He will allow you to have your cake and eat it too.
Oh the hateful comments are coming my way now, I can feel it!
When Did Women's Rights Turn into Women's Wrongs?
Posted by
3/07/2006 08:30:00 AM
There's nothing worse than being sick. Well, I was sick yesterday and I'm sick today! So what do I do to amuse myself? I write to work and ask for them to send me work to do at home, and I blog.
Alrighty! Let's get to it, Kiddies!! Today's topic is inspired by recent articles posted in the Toronto Star in homage to the pending International Women's Day (March 8).
Historically, the day was established by the United Nations to celebrate progress gained in the quest for equality between the sexes. It also is a day to reflect on the steps needed in order to further this goal to greater levels of equality in the future.
Now this year, we have a bumper crop of women politicians, business women and women in various sorts of positions of power. However, does true equality solely lie in the attainment of high profile positions and professions? I will push to say no.
Femenism is a dirty word. Recently only 20% of women said they consider themselves femenists and an even more recent quote published in the New York Sun, by Alicia Cohen, then republished in the Toronto Star is appauling. "I confess that when it comes to feminists, I've always been completely uninterested in anything feminists had to say," she wrote. "The fight for women's rights was initially waged on a bitter anti-male battleground that held little interest to me as a young woman. Protesters eschewed serious issues and instead rallied at the use of words such as `broad,' `honey,' and `sweetie,' which were anathema to liberated females."
Listen sweetie, those femenists of yesterday were tough broads who fought hand tooth and nail so that you could have the ability and the freedom to write that trite piece of drivel in the Sun. But, honestly, who reads the Sun anyway?
This is what we've come to, a post femenism world where over processed Barbie doll sexuality is exuded from "The Best" in our society. Socialites refuse university and further education in favour of collagen, low cut dresses and making fun of a hard days work. Entertainers bow down to the pressure to forever look 10 years younger and massacre themselves gradually so they may have the perfect nose sculpted without causing a buzz.
What have we come to? When I did pageants, albeit a bold move, I did it and made a mark that women can fall under a more curvacious and acceptable form while being able to uphold a conversation and finally to answer questions regarding any topic in a fair and educated way. Perhaps I didn't win much more than Miss Toronto or get further than top 12 at Miss World Canada. But, I hope that somewhere someone took notice.
True, many women feel the pressure to have a career and a home life. Often, one is sacrificed more for the other, often partners refuse to pitch in and assist in the daily chores, leaving women to literally, "Do it All". There are some women who are devalued in their decision to be a stay at home mother, a full time job not recognized as worthy of compensation by the government. If there was one advancement that I wish to be in place, would be for a stipend for stay at home mothers. This would acknowledge the worthy work they perform on a 24 hour basis. Perhaps even offer subsidized correspondance courses for at home mothers to complete at their leisure to assist those with no prior training a skill they can employ in an at home career, or after the children leave home.
I feel that now, femenism is less about bra burning and more about compramise. It's about understanding the present day pressures and making fair policies that add to their lives. If we don't start concerning ourselves with Femenism outside of mega watt power roles, I believe that we may be encouraging the wheel of progress to reverse. Because, not all women are CEO's or politicians, many women are housewives, torn between career and family.
Many women are starting off as young children, watching Paris Hilton whore it up, Nicole Richie praise anorexia and Jessica Simpson sudsing it up on a chevy. We need to make change, and we need to make it now.
Monday, March 06, 2006
Weekend of Excess Comes To A Close!
Posted by
3/06/2006 04:35:00 PM
How's this for a weekend: Fun, frivolous and Full of adventure... okay maybe it wasn't *such* an adventurous weekend, but, it was fun.
From Friday to Sunday I had cravings for hot dogs and fried chicken. Does that make me less of a girl? Well... maybe not. A popeye's chicken just open down the street, and sweet jesus, if it's good enough for Beyonce then it's good enough for me too!
So admist cravings and rehearsals with the Canadian Opera Company I'm having lots of fun. I still want to go rock climbing sometime soon...
omg, that fried chicken, I can't get it out of my mind, why IS POPEYE'S SO DARNED GOOD!?
Now I need to find something more compelling to write about... maybe the oscars? hmmm...
Or maybe about the perogies I'm about to make?
Saturday, March 04, 2006
Rehearsals at the COC
Posted by
3/04/2006 06:36:00 PM
First rehearsal for Norma went well, I came back to my dingy condo and I had some supper. Now I'm going to take a nap before I head out for another Saturday evening. Although, this evening is going to involve a hotel room, jacuzzi, fried chicken and wine.
Sounds so very very good to me!
Maybe some drunken karaoke at the end of the evening? Perhaps?
Friday, March 03, 2006
A New Sort of Low
Posted by
3/03/2006 10:29:00 AM
Can I stop laughing long enough to type a sentance?
Last night, at the spur of the moment, my QF (Quadrupal F = Fun Fearless Female Friend) Nicola and I hit the streets for some unconventional fun. It landed us smack dab in the lap of Fez Boutique's speed dating circuit.
Armed with a brilliant smile, multiple vodka type cocktails and wicked pair of boots I sat and proceeded to engage everyone in sparkling and stunning conversation. To be fair, each of the men were so sweet, short, but sweet. Each had a fab story of how they ended up in Toronto and each one sounded like they had amazing jobs. Great guys who just don't really know how to meet the ladies.
Now, I was upfront and told them that they weren't my type, but, I found them really interesting. I ended up being the stop for dating advice and insight into the female mind they apparently, seemed to crave. Some I might end up building some great friendships with, others I really don't know what to think of...
Like "Blackberry Man"! He will forever stand out in my memory as a man with a lot of anger in his soul. The entire of the 3 minutes was spent trying to prove he was A) Smarter than me. B) Better than my friend Nicola C) More accomplished professionally than everyone else.
A) Ended up with him making a comment about how Paris Hilton is randomly famous. I enlightened him on the public fascination with socialites, and substantiated my rhetoric with reference to historical documents that concerned themselves specifically with socialites within the Toronto Area alone.
He had nothing to say.
B) Noticing my drink is the same as my friend's he pointed her out and proceeded to say that she was rude since she had an earpiece in. I explained she's a work a holic who is constantly evaluating and re-evaluating her work. I said "You learn to accept it, however, I've never noticed it to be a hindrance to our conversations. It's never barred her from being a good person or friend." He then pulled out his Blackberry and said "Then I could play on this and it would be okay." I smiled, and said "OMG, Nicola has one of those! But, it's a newer one!!" The blackberry was put away.
C) He asked what I did for a living. I told him I work in fundraising. He said "So you call people up and bother them to give money to the organization." and I said "I don't do that. We have telemarketers who do that." Then I asked "Did you go to university?" of course he replied that he did. I proceeded to ask "Did you have a scholarship, a bursary or other financial support while you were there?" he confirmed that he received a scholarship of some form. So I went for the kill "If we didn't fundraise, if we didn't make the need apparent, then your scholarship would not have materialized and you, my bitter little friend, would not have gotten a dime. But, we didn't beg, someone out there wanted to help, they wanted to assist. It's pure human kindness, and something you apparently lack quite a bit of"
DING DING DING! The date was over!
Thank God!
We went for some late night dinner, talked about the evening and you know what... I'm having a lot of fun being single. Maybe even a little bit more fun then I did when I was involved with someone.
What's on the agenda tonight? Who knows!? I don't have to worry about coordinating with another person so I could effectively do anything!
Thursday, March 02, 2006
Repressed Sexuality in Modern Fashion
Posted by
3/02/2006 09:15:00 AM
In an overt backlash to the trends of the past, present day fashion designers are opting to populate their catwalks with excessive fabrics and taking great pains to show that the excessive sexuality of fashion shows past, is definitly a trend of the past.
Some refer to this as the "Muslim-ization" of fashion. I believe that's unfair label on an overdue trend! Hot on the heels of Victorian and Edwardian fashions of last season, this season's offerings leaves even more to the imagination. Therefore, this trend should not be so shocking! I believe by focussing on clean lines and inventive shapes designers can assemble visually stimulating collections.
Why am I so happy? Less gym time! No, who am I kidding, I'll still go to the gym. But, I like the idea of the "new erotica" being sexy, chic and covered. Perhaps this trend will extend to allow women in their mid 20's to grace catwalks and be epitomized as sexy? Maybe a few little curves? eh?
This young fashionista refuses to lament! Embracing modesty can lead to an interesting trend... maybe it would encourage Britney Spears to begin wearing shoes? Maybe it'll encourage over processed aging stars to hold back on the Botox? Maybe, it'll save Madonna from future overexertion in tiny leotards, because Hernias are just not that fun!
Wednesday, March 01, 2006
Strong Tall Handsome and Sensitive
Posted by
3/01/2006 12:30:00 PM
Don't be frightened, it's okay. Just go with it.
Honestly, I have nothing to say, this is just probably one of the most funny things I've seen online in a long long time!
Blog Archive
- Arm Chair Activism: Sign a Petition & Save a Girl'...
- I Got Flashed!
- I'm in the Internet Movie Database
- Shakira the Soundtrack to Peace and Conflict.
- The Day is Just Getting Better!
- It's Really a Funny Story
- Games: Suck on that 20Q!
- Stalky! Stalky!
- Will This Green Tea it Kill Me?
- Rant: Healing Emotional Pain!
- My Conversations Foreshadow: The Female Form
- Celebrity Gossip Recap!
- Barefaced & Barechested!
- Things I've Learned From Ex Boyfriends
- Skewed Self Image
- When Did Women's Rights Turn into Women's Wrongs?
- Weekend of Excess Comes To A Close!
- Rehearsals at the COC
- A New Sort of Low
- Repressed Sexuality in Modern Fashion
- Strong Tall Handsome and Sensitive