My last cat was suicidal. I blame Spencer.
The frankenstein is virtually completed. I just need to put it in a word document, with referencing links and send it off to my develish devo team. They are so awesome.

Yo. He-Man I don't need no power of greyscull. I have E-Men and the power of Interweb on my side.


Interweb. Another annoying 2.0 word. I think Web 2.0 will soon be the Hipsters of the internet. Fun to play around with, but more fun to make fun of in hindsight.

Wish you were relevent now dontcha u lamesters?

BTW, I'm jazzed my term Hill Jillies caught on to describe the female following for The Hills.

Sometimes, I think I'm so cool... Then I make up a song for my cat.

This is that song:

"I have kitten power. meow meow meowmeowmeow!
I have kitten power. meow meow meowmeowmeow!
I like to cuddle!
I like to purr!
I like to play fetch.
Now pet my fur!"

Deal with it.
That's how Ming's the Shixa rolls.
You know what that means.

Meow, bitches!