My complaints about my personal image are annoyingly redundant. The weight I've gained so honestly over a year of free meals has reached its apex. Secretly, I feel oddly proud that I've split 3 pairs of jeans over the past 3 weeks; it's bordering on fetishism. I'm currently limited to yoga pants, roomy skirts and stuffing myself like a sausage into spanx, spandex and lycra - all to fit into what's remaining in my wardrobe.

The yoga pants are even starting to show signs that they too are giving way to the ever increasing size of my Kardashian sized booty. I refuse to believe that they will split, they are yoga pants, they're made to stretch. Lululemon, don't fail me now!

Karmacake will be launched this summer and when it does, I want to be hot. Who is going to believe a sassy resource of politics, fashion and huzzah from the lap of a couched wheezy breather?


So, I have made the commitment. Beyond the programming, the designing, the socializing, the sourcing, the aligning, the writing and trying to get frigging Adsense to show in Firefox (which is STILL doesn't do Reado!) there's the sexifying.

Only glitch, you've never met a girl who could suck in the gym as hard as I do. It seems impossible, I know, but I couldn't be anymore serious. The scars are still visible from the epic crash I did years ago when training for Miss Universe Canada.

You see, once read that going to the gym first thing in the a.m. is the best time to go - so I went. I was on the elliptical, watching Canada AM, then next thing I know, deliriouF I awoke to the smell of meat and to the sound of latin beats -for a moment I thought it was supper in Puebla.

The reality was that I was cradled in the arms of a sweaty body builder in a Goodlife.

I prefer Pilates and Yoga now. Yoga is my favorite, it's no surprise, I'm an all-star with the Savasana pose, but lying on your back isn't active enough. Although, breathing does burn calories - about 60 an hour - exercise is awesome!

I'll keep you up to date with the progress.

Oh MAN I'm an awesome drawer!!!