Dumbfounded by the power of Twitter I cast aside my responsibilities and shook what my mama gave me at Lily Allen with opening act, Natalie Portman's Shaved Head.


No seriously, for the past month or so, I've really just been dicking around with social media trying to figure out how to best use it to publicize Karmacake. It's definitely a commitment, but it's one that's totally worth the pay off. For reals, yo.

On the surface, Twitter is another lame social media dohicky with questionable entertainment value. Do you follow celebs? Even then, they only follow other celebs - so clearly my POV has no value to anyone of "importance".

Whatev. Celebrities are lame. FYI, Spencer Pratt, just challenged Kutcher to an epic douche-off. If you're curious on what it is that Spencer has to say that will bring in the legions of international followers, check this golden nugget out.

"@perezhilton everything on earth is blessed! God is Love! We should all just love!"
Fuck me. Celebrities are lame. If I was a celebrity, I would be cool. Full stop.

You can follow me on twitter at @karmacakedotca


So yeah, how's anyone supposed to take it seriously? Well, while Twitter has a number of different applications it can be used for. Besides prophesying the good word, challenging Kutcher to popularity contests, challenge CNN to popularity contests and talking about how awesome your life is, Twitter can be used to gather a qualified database of fans, who are actively participating in conversation with you and in turn becoming intimately aware of your product.

Yesterday, I took the plunge and shared my blogspot link. That on
e link was retweeted (shared) and generated a 77% increase in unique visitors to my site. It was awesome.

So I celebrated with Chinese Buffet at Woo Buffet and Dundas/Yonge, then the Lily Allen Concert at Polson's Pier. I of course, Sara and I tweeted while we were there.

Here are some photos: