It's been a crazy couple of days!
Last night I rocked on over to the Rivoli where Erol and I caught my friend Gilson's stand up.

Don't worry, that guy I used to date didn't put me off of comedy for long, I'm actually kind of getting into it! The night had a fabulous line up of diverse comedians, and although some rocked the Riv harder than others, I was totally entertained!

Now, of course, at the cost of my soul. Which, if you're a faithful Karmacake reader, you understand is at scarce supply these days. Click here to see when the decaying began.

It started innocently with Jean Paul's fantasy world of cocks for sale like carrots in a grocery, progressed to giving a girl a cold to find out how long it takes her to recover from it as a easy AIDS test, peaked at fucking cerebal palsy girls committed to wheel chairs, plateaud at throat fucking and then a moderate increase at fucking a cross eyed chick... or what is the Tampons as Thank You presents.

In the end, the humour ran high, the alcohol ran freely, and although, Miss Diane from MTV Canada was hosting it with slurred speeche and a beer in hand, she maintained her assertiveness over a crowd of dirty mean.

Oh wow, insanely tired, I'll have to finish this tomorrow.