Here is a glimpse into the enigma that is Karma.

I am a girl, with a blog, with a condo, a dvd player that sometimes has to stop and think midway through a session before it'll continue playing, and an overwhelming sense of optimism.

I can come on too strong, be bossy, by myself and often I can leave people with giant question marks above their heads. Who is she? What does she do? How does she do that? Was she really Miss Toronto?

If I was a painter, the answers would be in my art.
If I was a song writer the answers would be in my songs.
But, considering I am neither of those things, I suggest you take a look at my friends.
They are a mixed bag, an assortment of different people but each one has a quality that I can identify with. Some are eternal optimists, some are hard workers, some are geeks, dorks and heck, some are just self obsessed princesses. But, each of them love me and they can handle me.

Which is more I can say about ex-boyfriends... Truthfully, neither you, nor I, really want to go down that path. Let's just say, if they really got me, chances are pretty high that we would still be together.

So did I really answer your questions? Probably not.

But, I am staring at a sticky note that one of my girls left for me on a purple stick it note that reads: Karma, you are a peach!

And, you know what?
I sure, fucking am.