Again, I'm reading the Toronto Star (I love that paper!) and the front page carries one of the most upsetting headlines to date. 8 were murdered and left in a farmer's field outside of London, ON.
You know what? Karmacake isn't always about the downers, it's about the uppers! Oh, uppers AND poignant personal point of views, delivered in a refreshingly effervescent personal style that is uniquely good Karma!
So here's what's going on in my head: While, insanely huge multi-billion dollar companies, like MacDonald's, actively target multiple age groups (from Ronald McDonald for the kiddies to Deli Sandwiches for the Adults). Multi-billion dollar soft drink companies are targetting what the Baby Boomers (ne 1946-1964) are doing.
So what are they doing? Baby Boomers are buying less pop and buying more water, fruit juice and ready-to-drink teas. As a result, companies like Coke and Pepsi are sad, the pop wars are all over. Boo Hoo!
BUT, DON'T CRY! The water wars are just beginning! New health conscious Baby Boomers are downing more bottled water than ever and companies are lapping up the profits! (har har!) Companies can make 40-50 cents profit from a bottle of water over 10 cents from a bottle of pop. Seems like a sweet deal. A sweet and profitable deal!
Coke and Pepsi have had a hand in the bottled water business since 1999 however they have yet to really push a strong branding exercise on the public. So the public (ie - Baby Boomers) really don't care what sort of water brand they drink. Now, the Baby Boomers might not care, but, I do! So I decided to talk to a few other MTV Generation folks and one Generation Y child to find out if anyone else cares.
We will begin with me!
I have a preference for Dasani. I just don't like the way Aquafina tastes. I tried their (Aquafina) flavoured water and it's like Pepsi tried to figure out a way to make their offensive water even more objectionable. However, if Evian, Fuji or anything in a fun bottle I'll purchase over either Dasani or Aquafina. Or, even better, I'll drink my own filtered tap water!"Frig, doesn't matter... I'm not choosy with bottled water... I don't drink alot of water. I've been duped into always fruit juice or diet soda. It's all about the product, not the brand."
Mark B.
Toronto, ON "I buy whatever is cheaper... but, if I had to choose I would probably go for Aquafina because Dasani goes 'psssssssst' when you open it, which is mildly disturbing"
Publications Coordinator
Ottawa, ON
"I prefer Aquafina because my mother tells me it's better for me than Dasani."
Student (Token Generation Y)
Toronto, ON"I don't usually go for name brands. They are priced way too high. I don't think there's Dasani or Aquafina in England... Our main brands are Evian and Perier... Mum buys water in bulk from Tesco and it tastes... ok, I guess."
London, England
So in the absolute end, there's no definitive answer. In the end, I'm still as crazy as I was before and the rest of the world really doesn't care about what brand of water they drink. However, price point is an issue.
Goes to show, the world's children will always listen to what mum has to say and cheap is always cheerful!
PS - If you want to keep in the know in the world H2O scene try this website Fine Waters
Monday, April 10, 2006
Water Wars!! Good Bye Pop Fizz Hello Tap Flat!
Posted by
4/10/2006 09:37:00 AM
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