As the title suggests, they aren't always evil. I really thought it was important to talk about telemarketers and their role with Not For Profits (NFP). Then, I want to go on further and explain how to easily identify potential scams. My mother told me about how she and my father have received some dodgy calls only within the past month or so!

So I'm going to tell you a very poignant truth about telemarketing and NFP's. And, I'm going to do it in that hand dandy numerological way that I have!

1. Telemarketing Campaigns Are REALLY Efficient Ways to Raise Money. Believe it or not, it's true. So it's usually apart of an annual schedule for any and every organization in one form or another. 1 Telemarketer and a script can call about 30+ people in 1 hour for the approx cost of $20/hr and potentially bring in thousands of dollars! In comparison, a mail campaign has a designer cost, your time you took to create the text, the printing cost, the mailing cost (out and return) AND on top of it all, people normally throw it out on first glance, so usually a mailing campaign can consist of multiple mailings and even then you're lucky if you get a 1% return, in my humble opinion!

2. You Already Created a Relationship With the Organization! It's rare to get a call out of the blue. List sharing is all but extinct these days for NFPs. So chances are you're getting a call because you bought a ticket or donated before in the past. Why is list sharing extinct?...

3. Privacy Legislation Has NFP's Scared Shitless! The privacy legislation does not specifically mention their guidelines applying to NFPs. Therefore, NFPs are, in some cases, overly obsessed with maintaining the privacy of their patrons because: THEY DO NOT WANT TO BE THE ONE ORGANIZATION SINGLED OUT TO BE THE PRIME EXAMPLE OF WHAT NOT TO DO! They can't afford it financially and they can't afford the publicity. So you're name is relatively safe with a NFP.

4. Non Reputable Telemarketers are Easy to Sniff Out! The name of the organization normally appears on your call display and the telemarketers will identify themselves, "Hi, this is Joan Blow calling from the Canadian Opera Company" not "Hi, this is Tony I'm calling for a charity".

5. Relax! If you don't recognize the name of the organization, but, it sounds like something you would like to give to. Chill. Giving over the phone isn't your last opportunity! Write down the name of the organization and then zip over to the Canada Revenue Agency type in the charity name and if it exists it'll be there along with their contact information. If not, you saved yourself a scam. *insert "the more you know" jingle and shooting star*

So the next time you get a call from an NFP asking you to give, be kind! If you don't want the call, tell the representative and they will input that information on your file so you won't get a call again!

Easy Peasy. Widdly Weasy.

Next post I promise will be something fun... Maybe some celeb gossip?