Today police released the identity of the 15 year old victim of Toronto's 78th murder. The young girl was out enjoying Boxing Day shopping along Yonge Street, near Eaton's Centre, when her life was senselessly ended by the selfishness of some male teens involved in a dispute.

However which way we examin the details, the truth remains that we have a serious problem with gun violence in Toronto. This year, our murder rate only rivals that of 1991 when violence again spiraled out of control.

Whether the gun toting teens were influenced by the media, who can say. But, what I can say, is that even 50 cent (shot 9 times & survived) who's music epitomizes gangsta life and who's presence symbolizes the triumph over an individual's desire to distance himself from such a life. Obviously Teens just don't get it! If 50 liked being a gangsta, chances are he still would be! But, he's not is he, he's doing something productive so that he can enjoy a jewel encrusted platinum life in Hollywood Hills.

You ain't gonna get there toting guns outside a camera shop on Yonge Street.

Paul Martin's ban on handguns is a ridiculous proposal! A flippant response and an uncharismatic slap in the face to the Toronto public, who sees violence rise among teens, some obtaining handguns illegally. Propose a ban, and we will only notice more illegal devices litter our terrorized streets. Duh. Remember prohibition!? Well maybe not, but, we all know the tales of bathtub gin and rum running.

You want change, spend some time and examin why the kids are doing this, and then fix it. Is it poor education in their area? Lack of programmes to occupy children after school hours? Is it the inability for teens to participate in activities they truly wish to be apart of? What is it?! Or is the education system so out of touch with today's youth that it doesn't even engage them?

I highly doubt that the death of 15 year old Jane Creba will signal more than a rash band aid "solution" from local officials, a number of weak political "promises" from scrambling politicians, and overall disappointment in the Toronto youth.