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Chapter 1: The Sun

Your Sun is in Virgo (Tropical zodiac).

As to the activities which are innate or outwardly manifested in your life, coming in the astronomical constellation of Virgo, at times you may have the appearance of being too self-sufficient in your relationships with others.

There is also a likely tendency for you to approach life in a very rational way, resulting in your being considered by others as having a rather materialistic turn of mind. At the same time this also gives you the ability to train or direct the training of the minds of young people.

Long ago, one of your likely past lives was in an ideal nature setting, where you were known for your courage and for your ability to heal. From this distant lifetime you are less likely than most people to be dominated by others and you are usually inclined to carry your share of responsibilities. This experience may have been in South or Central America as a member of one of the native cultures in the Amazon forest of Brazil or the Aztec Indians of Mexico.