Today's adventure was mid morning brunch at the Bright Pearl restaurant for Dim Sum.

To sum it up... it was Yum.

I got over the creepy cackle a server let out when a bowl of tripe was placed on the table. Obviously, she didn't notice that Mariza is Greek. And, being Greek, she is no stranger to consuming innards perceived to be worse than stewed stomach.

According to Loretta all white people look alike.


We can pretend the cackle was for me, because, as much as I would like to think I am just as epicurious as the next gourmand. I am not. When the Q Factor (queasiness factor) surfaces that tripe ain't going down. So gals, enjoy, it's allllllll yours.

Comfortingly enough, the description of the tripe being "Chewy" and "tastes interesting" aren't wow points that'll make me jump to chow down.

Tripe aside.
It was all delish!