Recent Photos:

Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Here she is! Celia Wilson, Runner Up to Miss Teen Canada International!
Very proud of you, you did an amazing job! I knew you could make it from the get go!!!

How many successes do I have to date with pageant coaching?
1. Miss Calgary
2. Runner up Miss Teen Canada International.

Anyone else want a piece of me? Then please feel free to email me!


Tuesday, August 30, 2005

I interrupt the regularly scheduled blog to tell the world that POM, the highly overrated Pomegranate juice, is really a bad way to spend 50% of a $10 bill.

Want to know an even worse way to spend that money? Buy POM mixed with Tangerine juice.

Here's a photo of the offending nectar.

I could list all the reasons why it tastes so bad, I could even retell my experience in that uniquely KarmaCake way, but, I've opted to instead list the reasons why it's so good for you:

It's an excellent source of antioxidents. Useful in preventing premature aging, heart disease and cleaning up arteries.

You know what else is high in antioxidents? Tomatoes.

Suck on that POM!

Monday, August 22, 2005

I've been very lax in my postings recently.

I apologise.

I will be hitting this electronic medium with more vigor than ever as the days go on and promise some exceptionally interesting posts. Including my upcoming experiences front and center at the Toronto International Film Festival Gala Screenings.

Of course, the same ol' same ol' will be available as well. Such as, my commentary on the decrepid state of violence that has paralized Toronto with fear and mourning, the abhorrant withdrawel of the reigning Miss Calgary as a representative in Miss Universe Canada due to a clash on her measurements, my opinion on why I was not chosen to be a host of the tv show "Groomed", and some fun windows into my life and that of my friends.

I will continue to be your ever entertaining host in the tawdry world of arts, entertainment, politics and me! Thank you for tuning in thus far and keeping with me and I go forth from here!


Friday, August 12, 2005

I would be an excellent co host for Groomed as I am fearless infront of the camera.
I am stylish without refrain and witty to the nth degree.

My ability to transfer that style to others manifests itself quietly until provoked. Due to my experience with pageantry in Canada, I am a wiz when it comes to cosmetics and camouflage.
IN FACT: I am a new volunteer with Look Good Feel Better a charity that assists individuals dealing with the physical side effects of Cancer treatment. There I will be conducting workshops to help people use cosmetics to cover up problem spots.

Where men are concerned, I use my training in arts, conversation and fashion to assist them wow women on their first date. I break it down into small, easy to digest tid bits so that they can absorbed it so it comes across as realism.

I've even hemmed pants of male friends on an evening before they head out on a date so that their pants look perfect!

Cosmetic advice for men:
Wash and Moisterize your face.
Have clean white teeth
Have a bottle of visine in your pocket at all times!

Women fall in love with a man who has beautiful eyes, and kind manners.

I am well versed in etiquette because of my job within the arts.
I am well versed in style because of my history in pageants.
I am well versed in weddings because I've been involved in so many! 5 to date!
I am well versed in event planning because I do that as apart of my career.
I am well versed in tv etiquette because I've got a lot of behind the scenes support.

Here's another photo of me hamming it up infront of the camera & to compliment that a photo of me with a sash on and tired. FEARLESS!
I'm the one on the left.

I'm the one with the sash that says "Marie"

What else could you want?

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Who doesn't, really?

I've just submitted my request to be considered as a cohost for a new series on W network called "Groomed"

I think I would be a fabulous addition as the female perspective. To lend my witty comments, encouraging support and optimistic undertones to Paul Hogan's hosting. I would adore to see and Average Joe turn into Prince Charming for the woman he loves on their wedding day.

Could there be anything more romantic!?

The show is produced by the same folks who brought Moc Docs to CBC Television.

Here's a recent photo of me. Saucy and Sweet at the same time!

If you think I would be a good host, please post your comments here. I've sent my blog to them so I'm hoping Jeannette @ Choc Box Entertainment will come and check it out.

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

In Toronto, people beg for shelter.
In Suburbia, houses sprout like dandelions.
In Halifax, a house is built out of phone books.

With homeless an expected sight on the streets of Toronto, many claim freely that suburbia is an oasis void of homelessness. Recent statistics prove otherwise.

So why the growing rate of homelessness across the GTA? And, why is it that Scarberia residents feel that contacting their local councillor to take care of "Street Weed" (the unsightly weed growing on the side of the roads)is a much more important use of councillor time as opposed to helping to combat homelessness?

I believe that part of the problem is the stigma associate with being homeless. That they are lazy and sincerely want to live on the streets. Of course for perhaps 1% of the homeless population that might truly be the case. However, for the majority it is the lack of affordable housing, and low wages that (even on a double income) barely support some of the GTA's lowest rents.

The problem is this to me:

There are programs to assist the homeless.
There are programs to assist the jobless/in between jobs.
There are few programs to assist the chronically low wage earning hardworking people.

I would love to be proven wrong!

Add in the influx of qualified professionals immigrating to Canada. They are unable to practice in their profession and subsequently are forced to take up jobs that far beneath them. There by reducing the number of available "grunt work" type jobs that would normally go to those who have little job options to keep them off the street.

Meanwhile, in Halifax, students at Dalhousie built an relatively efficient (albeit small) home out of phone books. The entire excercise cost $3,000 and yielded an interesting result. Should we ask the homeless to consider living in "Phone Booths"?

Well, I heard that much of the subsidized housing in the Dundas/River area will be torn down to make way for town houses and condos... "Phone Booths" might turn out to be the solution!

Monday, August 08, 2005

Yeah, you heard me.
I'm into Hard. Core. Punography.

Sounds dirty, but, it's only just Puns :)

These week I'm the featured PunShine Girl on my friend's website

Pungents are just on a roll, beginning with an idea, the 'Gents have been on tv, in the National Post, have put ads in the papers and this week they will be featured in Eye Magazine.

So go on, it's okay to admit that you like Puns.
They're Punny!

Sunday, August 07, 2005

Today's adventure was mid morning brunch at the Bright Pearl restaurant for Dim Sum.

To sum it up... it was Yum.

I got over the creepy cackle a server let out when a bowl of tripe was placed on the table. Obviously, she didn't notice that Mariza is Greek. And, being Greek, she is no stranger to consuming innards perceived to be worse than stewed stomach.

According to Loretta all white people look alike.


We can pretend the cackle was for me, because, as much as I would like to think I am just as epicurious as the next gourmand. I am not. When the Q Factor (queasiness factor) surfaces that tripe ain't going down. So gals, enjoy, it's allllllll yours.

Comfortingly enough, the description of the tripe being "Chewy" and "tastes interesting" aren't wow points that'll make me jump to chow down.

Tripe aside.
It was all delish!

Saturday, August 06, 2005

Friday night rolls around and I'm exhausted. Without any ideas for fun, cleaning the condo is weighing at the #1 spot.

Enter salvation!

The residents of Chateau Nice inform me that they are planning to go to Friday Night Bingo! Hoorah! I'm in like Flinn!

Beliving strongly in "Saving the Best for Last", I arrive late. So late that I cannot purchase a Bingo card! But, no worries, the evening's entertainment is far from hinged on the balance of obtaining a newsprinted game card! By simply relaxing and examining the surroundings I found that Bingo night was an all around entertaining evening!!

Did you know that in an effort to streamline Bingo, Bingo Country has eliminated the presence of letters from the game? It's true! Now you can achieve ultimate Bingo satisfaction by revelling in the numbers and not ever have to be confused by a B this or a O that. Less confusing means faster game play. Or at least I assume!

Also, the mean age of Bingo players is not defined by the colour of their hair! Nay! Bingo professionals run the gamit from 25-75 everyone can partake and have a good time! As long as you keep quiet and focus on dabbing! We discovered the hard way. In fact FUN at Bingo seems to be strongly discouraged as it can be distracting for those submersing their life time of woes, spackled onto a lifetime of regret.

But, we didn't let that get us down! We may have been without Bingo Dabber Caddies, Lucky Charms, cholesterol problems and Bifocals, but gosh darn it! We represented the youthful essence of Bingo once lost in a stagnent community centre atmosphere void of levity fueled by the never ending quest towards the jackpot. Our optimism did not lie in the faith that the next $27 Bonanza card would bring $20 in our pockets, but, that it was fun gosh darn it! Fun.

Loretta even went and even partook in their delicious fare! She looked beyond the rice pudding and butter tarts at the food counter and recognized the potential for a hot meal. Walking away with a hot dog, she was the unsung hero.

In fact we all were. Matt, Pat, Mariza, Loretta and I... we were all heros that night. Sure, we didn't walk away with the jackpot. But, we did walk away winners.

Now, that I think about it... We were the only ones that actually walked away!


Friday, August 05, 2005

My ideal breakfast would be:

To be able to consume 2 Large Pancakes drenched in syrup, 4 sausages, 6 slices of standard non-peameal bacon, buttered brown bread toast with strawberry jam, crispy home fries and unlimited orange juice.

But, in reality a good breakfast for me is just a simple cereal.
Granola and yoghurt
Bagel and Cream Cheese
Raisin Bran with bananas