Pitcher in for #MargaritaMonday!
Newly created monthly event where the only 'hash' you'll find is in the tag!
Toronto, Ontario, Canada - With gusto and a little pride, #MargaritaMonday kicks off on Monday, June 22nd on Zelda's Bar and Restaurant patio (542 Church Street) at 6pm. This open event is directed to patio loving, margarita drinking individuals seeking an informal 'tweetup' for post work libations on a Monday evening.
"Mondays are hard enough to deal with without liquor," says event creator Marie "Mings" Nicola (aka @karmacakedotca), "This event brings a chill way for me - uh, I mean, folks - to unwind, chat and drink in a socially acceptable forum."
Zelda's Bar and Restaurant is known as one of the most homorific locations in Toronto's village. With Pride underway, the patio and the neighborhood will be bumpin'. The inaugral #MargaritaMonday is expected to have a minimum attendance of two, with a maximum attendence of however many we possibly can get. Whatever the numbers, the event will be hosted with a lot of 'Pride'.
No prizes will be given, but fame and glory are certain for attendees who wish to "pitcher in" and buy at least one pitcher to share with the table. Bloggers are welcome to review the experience and Tweeters are encouraged to Twitterberry their hearts out.
"I would post photos to my Twitpic account. But, I think Twitpic hates me or hates my blackberry," laments Mings, " Either way, one of us did something to piss it off because the friggin' thing won't accept the photos. As if posting in 140 characters wasn't hard enough!"
Those posting to Twitpic may be harrassed to show Mings how to do it.
When referring to #MargaritaMonday it's encouraged to utulize the Twitter convention of the '#' in order to facilitate searching.
Let's make Monday fun!
For more information @karmacakedotca or info@karmacake.ca