I got this message posted yesterday on my blog:
1 comment
Thanks, Mom!
I heart you too!!!
Posted by
11/28/2008 08:43:00 AM
I'm sorry, I know it's too early in the morning to talk about vay-jay-jays, jutes and girly bits, but seriously, I couldn't resist.
I present to you...
It works much the same way as Guitar Hero, except there's no back story to explain how you ended up being assaulted with a porn stars nu'un in your face.
Neither a pleasant nor attractive way to get the party started.
Enjoy the ironically graphic controller, deceptively named, the "hodge podge"
Imagine the hilarity when Uncle "I don't give a damn. I just buy the first thing I see without reading the box" bags this little puppy for Jimmy this Christmas.
He can go Xbox Live! on this ish with his boys and have a good ol' fashioned e-orgy.
Maybe this is the best way to encourage abstinence in today's youth - or Lawnmower Man.
Posted by
11/26/2008 12:39:00 PM
By Google Adsense... apparently KC doesn't get enough traffic these days - pffffffffft!
Well, because I want to relaunch AND make money, I'm going to start posting again.
I have nothing to say, except for, I'm going to go and cook a Tourtiere for dinner. Matt says he doesn't like it, but I think I can convince him otherwise - I'm a good cook.
Celebrate my return!
I used to tear it up around the city, sharing the exciting deets of my life - although, it was mostly just a collection of goofy photos of me. Nowadays, you can track everything that is me and see what my team are up to as we get set to launch the REAL Karmacake at karmacake.net and all the excitement that comes with trying to be a social media mistress in the 21st century. It's not as easy as it sounds - first step, get people to like you.
2008 Copyright Karma & Shwarma -- My life in an Egyptian Deli
Its about time! Ive been waiting for the return of Karmacake!!!
Posted by
Anonymous | 1:31 PM