Sandra Lee, of "Semi-Homemade Fame", the face of American uselessness, thinks corn nuts are acorns and doesn't realize that Jews don't eat pork.

Is she new?

Marshmallows are made with gelatin and why is it so hard to make frosting? Butter + Icing sugar + splash of milk = Icing.

FoodTV apparently received so many complaints, that according to the Associate Press, the recipe was removed from their website. It is clear by the following link, FoodTV has no infact removed the "edible hate crime" off of their website.

or maybe you would rather watch it?

Enjoy the Star of David, Angel Food Cake atrocity from the woman that looks like Heidi Montag's mom.

Want to check out the Kwanzaa disaster?

This show offends me on so many levels...

omg, Rachel Ray's been replaced!!