Hate to inform you good kind folks out there, this is a blog. And, by virtue of that honour, I get to blog about me sometimes.

Which is after all, my favorite topic.

So I'm a Supernumerary in an upcoming opera with the Canadian Opera Company. Faust, to be exact. The tale of the great thinker that dedicated his life to thinking, so he commits his soul to the devil only to live his life again, but this timw with passion.

Of course, insane amounts of hilarity ensues. Usually that's what happens in these little operas, an irreversable decision is made, a clown is killed with a crucifix, and after the giant orgiastic puppet couples folks off, a teenage girl gets pregnant, and although, the hero manages to get away from a sea of horny courtesans, he still is dragged back to hell and subsequently is dead.

You know, light subject matter. Good for the kids, really.

I play a Commedia Dell'Arte clown that looks like a milkmaid. I also might play the role of the skantily clad courtesan, but, I think another girl is doing that one now.

It's always fun to see an Opera come together from the other point of view. The personalities of the principals versus the chorus, the stage management staff and the props dudes, the dancers and the supers. At the same time, everyone feels a different level of ownership over the show.

And, although, I'm singing at a Fashion Show Fundraiser and not on stage with the COC, I just feel happy that someone recognizes my talent.

Sing for the soul and not for my supper.