Obviously, if we're going to have any successful go of making a name for ourselves at Karmacake online, we're going to have to get social. Online and offline.

Last Thursday, Reado and I decided to meet our friend Casie Stewart at the GenYTO meet up at Andy Poolhall. A little tired, a little sick and a little overwhelmed by a clearly connected group of strangers, Matt and I just hung back and observed. The event appears to be a good one to get started on if you're looking to network. Although, be aware, even though it is free to participate in the majority of people clearly already know each other. Unlike other networking events, like FastLane, you won't have people approach you.

Newbies gotta suck it up and jump in.

I wasn't in the mood to beg for attention, but I was in the mood for vodka sodas and streetmeat! Thank goodness, College and Bathurst has the finest of street eats to satisfy my hunger! However, I have EVERY intention of hitting up next month's GenYTO and pimping it like it's hot. So feel free to introduce, chances are Reado and I will be the tallest ones there.

Coincidentally, Casie pissed off Andy Poolhall by stickering the place with her URL. I still have my Casie Stewart sticker because it was terribly adorable.

Note: Stickers are super cool until they piss off management. shame.

Online, I'm trying to figure out Twitter. I have 170 followers, but I haven't figured out how to post so people like me. I think I'm a bit Nit Twit since I have yet to get a shout out on a #followfriday.


I'm as popular as I was at GenYTO! I blame my lack of understanding for Twitter etiquette and jargon. Apparently, Twitter has it's own language, like Twitter Babes are Twabes and Twitter People are Tweeps. I feel pretty Twame, bustin' out the Twitterese like I'm a 50 year old trying to connect with my Tween (coincidentally, not a Twitter term).

"Hey, Sally. Let's go surf down to the Facebook and blast a poke to your big bro at Uni before we go cruising for fashion and Orange Julius' at the mall. Yeah! Mother/Daughter time roolz!"


Besides sounding like a total ass (Twass), I'm digging the service more than Reado is. I get my daily headlines from all my favorite magazines and newspapers, not to mention status updates from my bff's and the folks I wish were my friends (you're probably included in that list.)

Coincidentally, I believe the majority of GenYTO-ers are all on Twitter, it's kind of a necessary utility these days if you want to do anything online.

If you want to add me up, feel free! I'm at @karmacakedotca and reado is at @reado
If you do go through with the decision to add me up, you will get a daily assortment of awesome posts on how I slept with my make up on, the pains of editing and an unusual number of posts on my personal alcohol consumption and Fair Trade coffee... Apparently, I'm both a social alcoholic and a militant human rights activist.

Honestly, my posts are fucking hilarious. And you should add me up because you'll love it.

Later Twarmacakes!