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Friday, November 28, 2008

I got this message posted yesterday on my blog:

1 comment

Its about time! Ive been waiting for the return of Karmacake!!!

Thanks, Mom!
I heart you too!!!

I'm sorry, I know it's too early in the morning to talk about vay-jay-jays, jutes and girly bits, but seriously, I couldn't resist.

I present to you...


It works much the same way as Guitar Hero, except there's no back story to explain how you ended up being assaulted with a porn stars nu'un in your face.

Neither a pleasant nor attractive way to get the party started.

Enjoy the ironically graphic controller, deceptively named, the "hodge podge"

Imagine the hilarity when Uncle "I don't give a damn. I just buy the first thing I see without reading the box" bags this little puppy for Jimmy this Christmas.

He can go Xbox Live! on this ish with his boys and have a good ol' fashioned e-orgy.

Maybe this is the best way to encourage abstinence in today's youth - or Lawnmower Man.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

By Google Adsense... apparently KC doesn't get enough traffic these days - pffffffffft!

Well, because I want to relaunch AND make money, I'm going to start posting again.

I have nothing to say, except for, I'm going to go and cook a Tourtiere for dinner. Matt says he doesn't like it, but I think I can convince him otherwise - I'm a good cook.

Celebrate my return!
